Jan 12/22 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes Participants: - Richard Trotta, CUA - Pete Markowitz, FIU - Dave Gaskell, JLab - Jacob Murphy, Ohio - Nathan Heinrich, Garth Huber, Muhammad Junaid, Stephen Kay, Vijay Kumar, Love Preet, Ali Usman, Regina Please remember to post your slides at: https://redmine.jlab.org/projects/kltexp/wiki/Kaon_LT_Meetings Junaid ------ 1) PID study from Sept PionLT data - SHMS cuts to produce samples of pi+, K+ and proton physics events - Suggestions: - need to show and optimize the SHMS calorimeter cuts, as the NGC distn is up to 30pe. This is a bit surprising, so maybe there is some e+ contamination. - RF cut for pi+: - get a nice peak between 1.3 and 2.7 when applying other PID and cointime cuts - can use the RF cut to optimize other PID cuts, but probably should not use it for the final pi+ analysis as it looks like you loose too many pi+ - RF cut for K+: - get a clear peak at RF=1.0ns, but this appears to NOT be K+. Judging from the MM-RF correlation, the real K+ are offset slightly from pi+, pions centered at 1.8, K+ centered at 1.5 - RF cut for protons: - the peak at 1.0ns appears to be the protons. The RF cut appears to be quite effective in separating them from K+/pi+ - unexplained RF features: - there is a "wrap around" RF peak at 3.7. This should be studied to be sure we understand what it is. - Not sure what the additional peak at 3.0 is. Please re-check if the RF offset is the same for all runs or not. Richard ------- 1) EDTM study - finished a second set of runs over the weekend. Still need to analyze them. 2) Analysis Task List - met with Vijay on how to split up the Heep and Lumi analysis tasks. Vijay ----- 1) Heep-singles analysis from low Q2 Kaon-LT data - implemented most of the changes discussed last week. - comparison between data and SIMC is looking much better, except for some runs. - the two bumps in SHMS ypfp were indeed due to the HGC inefficient region - Examples of both good and bad comparisons were shown. - Bad HMS comparison (#2 of 3.9 GeV). Dummy contribution is too large. Q2, epsilon distns offset from Dummy run. Definitely a kinematics-mismatch issue. - Bad SHMS comparison (#5 of 3.9 and #2 of 4.9 GeV). Data is too low compared to SIMC. This might be a tracking issue. Please check the pruning selection parameters and the resulting tracking efficiencies. Jacob ----- 1) EDTM Analysis - started working on analysis of Lumi scan #3 and EDTM analysis. Nothing to show yet. Nathan ------ 1) Mode 10 Analysis - got hcana to compile. Showed some early results from a defocused SHMS electron run. - looking at hgcer Mode 10 data - reconstructed Pulse Time distn looks the same as FADC data - reconstructed Pulse Integral distn also looks the same - however, the Pulse Amplitude distn has some significant differences. This needs to be understood. - while at JLab, Nathan will see if he can arrange a morning meeting with Mark to discuss his findings. Next Meeting: Wed Jan 26 @ 11:00 Regina/NOON JLab time