Mar 23/22 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes ---------------------------------------------- Participants: - Richard Trotta, CUA - Pete Markowitz, FIU - Dave Gaskell, JLab - Julie Roche, Ohio - Nathan Heinrich, Garth Huber, Muhammad Junaid, Stephen Kay, Vijay Kumar, Love Preet, Ali Usman, Regina Please remember to post your slides at: Richard ------- - 10.6 GeV Heep-COIN analysis and SIMC comparison - lots of crashes when analyzing Heep-singles, so nothing on that yet - comparison includes Comp-LT instead of EDTM-LT - tracking cuts not yet implemented. Tracking efficiencies are included in the Heep-COIN comparison, but won't be accurate until cuts are checked - Data/SIMC discrepancy is about 10%, so more work is needed - standard.kinematics not yet double-checked (see Ali report) - *Suggestions* GH: please show intermediate plots next time, so we can more easily see what was done (as well as to provide documentation) - a variety of DAQ and other issues were encountered when KaonLT started up at 10.6 GeV, such as incorrect CoinTime setup. Please be sure to take a close look at these variables, so we can see what improvements need to be made to the analysis - *Goal for Next Meeting* - improved 10.6 GeV Heep-COIN and Heep-Singles plots (data and simulations) Ali --- - using LTSEP_2022 analysis branch - started replaying, crashing a lot - param and other files were in the wrong place - created a specific directory for KaonLT, rearranged files and replay is working now - doing some full replays to be sure everything is working - checking standard.kinematics for KaonLT higher energy runs - Arc energy measurements not all correct, particularly for 10.6 GeV - met w/Richard to coordinate, and another meeting planned in a few days - Richard will continue to work on the analysis structure - Ali will look at angles and momenta in standard.kinematics for all higher energy settings - *Goal for Next Meeting* - 8.6 GeV Heep-COIN plots (data and simulations) hopefully with efficiencies, Comp-LT and improved tracking Vijay ----- - CTime_eKcointime plot from 3.8 GeV data - multiple peaks were shown at last meeting, worked on identifying them - peak to right is protons, confirmed two ways: 1 calculated the TOF difference for pi/K/protons. The peak spacing is consistent with his calculation (in logbook only, please add to slides before posting them) 2 looked at MM versus epcointime. proton band is straight, while it was tilted in eKcointime vs MM - this means the line (in MM vs cointime) near the neutron MM is actually omega peak - Data/MC comparison (SIMC x7) at 3.8 GeV - still no efficiencies included - saw some tails in the SIMC SHMS distributions not evident in the data. - In the discussion, it was realized there was an MMK cut to select Lambda peak that was applied to the data, but not SIMC. - It is important to have the same cuts in data and SIMC, so applying this cut will probably get rid of the tails in the SIMC distributions. Vijay will add this. - checking standard.kinematics for KaonLT and PionLT low energy runs - Arc energy measurements mostly correct, although some round-off errors need to be fixed - spectrometer angles/momenta not yet checked - *Goal for Next meeting* - 4.9 GeV data/SIMC comparison for physics settings - *Suggestions* DG: It is extremely important to do the standard.kinematics double-check BEFORE doing the data/MC comparison, as otherwise you're wasting time - Brad has a script to extract the spectrometer photos from CODA. It would be good to get this script from him, as KaonLT record keeping was sometimes inconsistent, and it would save time having to check through a lot of hclogs for the information Nathan ------ - Mode-10 Data Analysis Update - at last meeting, there was a discrepancy betwen hardware and software versions of the Pulse Amplitude - Mark suggested this could be due to phger_SampNSAT variable, which is 1mV for hardware but 2mV default for software - Nathan set the threshold to 1mV, now the agreement is very good - get ~1% more events with 1mV threshold (10k out of 1.2M evts) - Mark's implementation looks good for hgcer - has now added the Aerogel for Mode10 runs - *Goal for Next Meeting* - Look at the NGC and Aerogel plots to see how they look compared to data - Then wants to look into the HGC Zero Amplitude events issue that Vijay sees. Plan is to select HGC Zero Amplitude events and see what the software variables give for these events - *Reminder of task for DG* - DG will talk to Mark/Brad on whether we can get the FADC firmware fixed to return BOTH firmware and waveform data when there is an error in time for the upcoming run Stephen ------- - was helping Vijay and Ali with various replay issues - hcana update: now pointing to Mark's firmware branch to include the Mode-10 data. This is not the default branch - no major ROOT version issues encountered yet - but did need to turn off CUE (Common Unix Environment) initialization, as this causes a c++ compiler incompatibility version between hcana and ROOT - batch queuing - using swif, but finds it harder to see what's going on with job progress/crashes compared to auger - software for new run - would like to add the Mode-10 variables and create a new hcana version for online - python environment should be okay Jacob (not present) ----- - *Task for Jacob* - Jacob will follow up with DM and CY about the status of the calibration code. It would be great if we could test it on the PionLT and KaonLT data, and see if it resolves any of the hodoscope calibration issues we have Upcoming Run ------------ - GH: we need to start the planning of the Heep and Lumi studies at our next meeting - DG: has been attending the 08:00 meetings. - Things still on track for the June run as scheduled - Linac gradient will not be known for some time yet, but nothing has broken yet, so we should continue planning with the expected energies - will start with the same target configuration as the fall run Next Meeting ------------ - Wednesday April 6 at 13:00 Eastern/11:00 Regina - after that, GH will circulate a poll to select a new time (maybe Tue or Thu) to avoid Tanja's teaching conflict