May 17/22 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes ---------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH and SJDK) Please remember to post your slides at: Present: Regina - Stephen Kay, Garth Huber, Nathan Heinrich, Ali Usman, Muhammad Junaid, Vijay Kumar, Love Preet CUA - Richard Trotta, Tanja Horn Ohio - Jacob Murphy, Julie Roche JLab - Dave Gaskell Richard ------- - Updates to efficiencies list script - purpose is to get a consistent database of information - grab information from report files and other calculation scripts - Updated based on discussions/comments with SK/AU - Script to get info will follow soon - Starting with report file info - DG - Cherenkov efficiencies should probably not be run by run - TH - Some info only makes sense for certain settings, construct with sets of "if" statements - SK - Should probably have a list of settings, specify run type and kinematics etc, script will grab info relevant to run type - AU - Will have different report files for each run type - HeeP singles/HeeP coin/Prod/Lumi - SK/GH - Some info can come from runlist.csv file - SK - Yes, list needs to differentiate between scripts a little, different versions for different run types, e.g. Heep-Singles, Heep-COIN, Lumi, Prod - RT - Yep, will follow up and specify this in next pass of the list - HeeP Coin studies - Sent updated SIMC scripts to Ali - Wanted to scale up data from last time - Large SIMC/Data normalization difference - Input file issue - typo in input file - Momentum value issue (5 and 3 switched around) - Improved a little, but some issues still Note: in slides Blue=SIMC, Red=Data - Data seems to have a very different shape, seems to have a slope - JM - You should check that the correct optics matrix is used in SIMC - AU - Did you fix bug I found? - RT - Yes I corrected that too - Some quantities seem to actually look ok? - Shape of xptar/yptar/delta for the SHMS vastly different - GH/TH - Are the cuts clean? Are we 100% sure? What are they? - Seems to be a script issue? Integral seems to be varying between quantities - GH - *Should show some info demonstrating purity of experimental data, Pmiss/Emiss plots* - They are there and look clean - Need to fix binning? - GH - *It is absolutely vital that the Data and SIMC have IDENTICAL binning, can't rely on ROOT to choose the values, must do them manually* - SK - Need to be careful in controlling bin width - HMS also looks very different - Shape and integral look very different - *Could be a SIMC weighting issue?* - Had various issues due to python version difference between ifarm and laptop - TH - *Need to focus a little on just using one common system, reduce time replicating behaviour between different installations* - GH - Absolutely, vital for progress as a group - 2 week plan - fix Heep-COIN Data/MC issues - Binning issues - SIMC script updates for Ali - Efficiencies script first version - Use Ali's new report files in efficiencies script Ali --- - Updated report file template, gets ~90% of the info RT showed on his list earlier - *EDTM numbers still temporary, JM will send update when it's available* - Naming scheme uses unique naming convention for each variable - Makes scripts that grab the info here much more useful - VK - Calorimeter efficiency info? - DG - Cal eff from hcana isn't great, need a separate script/study of this - It is useful to have as an online value to keep track if it's changing or not, guides you to a hardware problem potentially - *The issue is that it's hard to get a clean electron sample inside hcana. Need to do a dedicated study to select electrons - sometimes have to determine Cal eff from elastics data, parameterize and extrapolate to prod data conditions* - SK - Online version is there and working for this purpose? - DG - Yes but really only restrict use to a stability/hardware check - Hodoscope efficiencies are calculated, plane by plane - DG and Mark Jones pointed out where to look for this and check it's ok - Current number is more trustworthy - Added in geometrical cut on the aerogel, tray dependent - Got numbers for one tray, RT will send the others - 2 week plan - Will look at 8.2 and 6.2 GeV hodoscope calibrations - TH - is your work coordination efficient? Don't want you to be waiting on other people to make progress - AU - not waiting too much on other people right now Vijay ----- - Initial offsets study to improve HeeP coin studies for 3.9 GeV data - Improved fits and distributions slightly - DG - What is different between the new/old? - VK - Updated spectrometer offsets in the SIMC input file, x/y for e/p in SIMC - DG - At the FP? - GH - No, at spectrometer entrance, not the FP - DG - change in x gives an effective momentum shift - VK - Still need to determine momentum offsets - GH - Q for TH/DG, should offsets only be done after running HeePCoin program? - TH - Where did spectrometer offsets come from? - VK - Just by eye, adjusting them - TH - *Want to minimise #offsets used*, not clear what offests at the minute mean - DG - *Should in principle start with survey values for the spectrometer x,y,zoffsets* - shift VJ observed in xfp came from an x-spectrometer offset can do instead from a momentum offset, which is more universally applied to all settings - Should not be much x offset for either spectrometer, should use HeePCheck program following a run with survey values - TH - Could just start with 0 x,y,z offsets? - DG - Offsets are correlated - Probably should not start by adjusting these numbers - TH - Can't really just make up spectrometer offsets, should start from the survey - DG - *Start with HeeP program, constraining energy/momentum in both spectrometers at the same time* - Got derivatives, these show how much things would change by *if* you moved them - TH - *Be careful with the sign in the output of the HeeP check code* e.g. in what direction do you need to change things if you observe a dW offset of +2 or -2 MeV? - Code outputs what happens if you shift E/Theta_e/Theta_p/p_e/p_p by 1 unit (0.1%) - Offsets were previously implemented into SIMC - SIMC input file has no momentum offset, so what do you do if there's a momentum offset? - Set central momentum in SIMC file by corresponding amount - GH - Change in the data too by changing standard.kinematics? - DG - *Used to have a kinematics offset file in hcana* That makes it easy to track that the correct offsets are applied to all of the data - SK - If this *doesn't* still exist, should be easy to modify hcana to find and use this - DG - *also need to be careful that SIMC automatically corrects for any applied offset to get the correct physics values* - TH - Need to be careful and avoid double correcting offsets between data and SIMC - momentum offset was difficult to implement in SIMC. In Fpi-2 analysis, TH/DG had to make changes to the SIMC code to do this - *students should consult DG/TH if there is a need to do this* - 2 week plan - redo offsets, start to include effs in Heep-singles, Heep-coin analysis Jacob ----- - RT, *need to be careful when looking at 6.59 GeV/C HMS data (10.6 GeV, 09/18, NMR value drifting, hence central momentum drifting)* - Run numbers 4805 - 4825, Sept 29/18 - SHMS defocused hodoscope calibrations - September 2021 defocused run, 11799 - Defocused has slightly larger wiggle in the xfp/yfp vs beta plots - quantitative measure of calib effectiveness is sigma_beta - DM says ~0.028 is good - NH - MJ says can keep time walk corr fixed & adjust velocity param - Defocused run seems to perform very well over ~4 months of data - Should be done on run plan soon - 2 week plan - Improvement on switching velocity parameters only to see if further improvement - Hodoscope fitting method for velocity - deep dive - Finish up run plan - AU - Batch script for hodoscope calibrations - JM - Yes it's ready, will push it, should work for KaonLT fine - *May need to make PID cut changes for time walk and velocity scripts* Junaid ------ - Working on the run plan, 6 lumi scans, 2 for each beam energy - Updated HeeP, expected charge and #pions - Almost done with latex file for shift worker document - Working on calorimeter calibrations - using Bill Henry's code - c-library issue, unclear where this is or how to get it - Grab from cdaq? Assuming it works fine on cdaq - 2 week plan - Finish run plan - 4 HeepCoin settings for some energies, one has a very high max SHMS angle - Max angle is 37.95 now, just fits within max remote operation range - DG - Any crazy large angles needed on the HMS side? - NH - Goes to ~42 degrees max - GH - CaFe goes to ~67 degrees max so we're nowhere near - DC and calorimeter calibration offline updates Nathan ------ - Working on run plan too, finished a draft of the SW instructions for 6.4 GeV, distributed - Not looked at calibrations much yet - Comprehensive exam prep - Did replay some physics settings, so could check Cherenkov calibrations quite quickly - 2 week plan - Run plan should be done - Cherenkov calibrations - First pass - NGC script not working? - JM - Script is very simlar to HGC code, should be roughly working, need to get geometry of mirrors and NGC position in there and correct - Does it have a 5cm vertical offset like the HGC? GH doesn't think so GH comment on pdf for shift workers (SW) - In spreadsheet, diamond cut applied, NOT on SW document - *SW needs nominal online cuts w/o diamond so that SW/RC know when to move to next setting* - For settings where spreadsheet lists two model values, Use the more pessimistic model for timings on the run plan document Next Meeting - 22-May-31 at 15:00 EDT