Sept 21/22 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes ----------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH and SJDK) Today: KaonLT will be discussed first Please remember to post your slides at: Present: Regina - Stephen Kay, Garth Huber, Nathan Heinrich, Vijay Kumar, Alicia Postuma Muhammad Junaid, Love Preet, Ali Usman FIU - Pete Markowitz Ohio - Jacob Murphy, Julie Roche CSULA - Konrad Aniol, Emery Mark Gunselman, Erika Gwin CUA - Richard Trotta, Tanja Horn Glasgow - David Hamilton Discussion before we start: - CaFe is running a different trigger setup. Coin and 3/4 arriving at the same time? - GH is interested in finding out about the data they took for "proton absorption correction" and "Heep normalization" - Konrad introduces Emery and Erika, two 1st year Masters students who've just started. Cal state has an interest in Hall A as well as Hall C Richard Trotta Updates ---------------------- - KaonLT Lumi Analysis - Scaler yield calculation - using pTrig3=ELREAL - Had CPULT applied. Now removed and things look better, although scaler yield still increases with current - Cuts shown for Tracked vs Non-Tracked analyses - Cuts are a little on the tight side - Cuts are all lower bound, no upper bound cuts, so should be okay - Tracked yield calculation has the total efficiency - Tracking efficiencies in report file - Jacob points out that we could have Evttype == 3 too - Tracked yield drops very quickly with current, definitely an issue! - How old is the replay? From May - *Reminder: *SHMS was pi+ polarity for one scan, e- for everything else so the PID cuts used for the pi+ Lumi scan will be much different than for all other scans - -ve polarity lumi scan runs have low TLT - +ve polarity lumi scans have some issues with the cuts included in the replay - planning to implement Aerogel Tray cut for +ve runs - Seem to be a couple of issues tied to replay - 6p2 GeV Lumi scans - very low TLT - Low beam on time. Possibly tied to the >5uA current cut? - Could also be linked to cuts defined in the DEF-CUTS file - GH: Please add a plot of the actual DAQ rate so we can see whether low CPULT and TLT makes sense or not - Ali: made subtle changes to the event selection to enable tracking efficiencies to be calculated for multiple event types - was restricting event type after decode EDTM info - now doing ALL events - not sure whether this will affect Lumi analysis or not - Bill's LT-sepaaration section code - Richard going through code to understand and get it working - Original code was a little messy, unclear variables etc - Lots of hard coding, particularly in analysis.cpp - Setting up pathing for filenames after analysis - it is inevitable that some hard coding will remain, since the number of SHMS angles is different at high/low epsilon for different settings - making backend scripts for plotting that are separate for each setting that can be called by master scripts as necessary - GH/TH ask him to post some notes as part of code documentation, kaonlt log - RT will post notes in sections as they are completed - will try to have a working version to show in 2wks - GH will go again through his LT-separation tutorial next Tues @ 12:00 EDT - To do/upcoming - Calorimeter calibrations - HGCer efficiency calculation - Ali has some notes on this Ali Usman Updates ----------------- - Total efficiency per run - All efficiencies and LTs multiplied together - HMS ElTrack - SHMS ProtonTrack - Hodo 3/4 (both) - Need to verify how hcana actually calculates the hodoscope efficiencies - EDTM LT - HMS Cherenkov - Effective Q=Total Eff * Q - sum Effective Q for all runs in a setting - yield Y=Counts/Effective Q - Heep Coin Data/SIMC comparisons - with latest replay, gbeam.parm fixed - Comparison looks good, but plots include too many types of data (unsubtracted, w/o cuts, etc) and this partly obscures the comparison - Future versions should only be the two things we actually want to compare - Data 3% low compared to MC - still need to apply cryotarget boiling and proton absorption, so we might eventually with data a bit too high compared to MC - Need to finalise offsets for KaonLT data (all of it) - Ali and Vijay will work together to try to find offsets that aren't too different from each other, if possible - Tanja shares the Fpi-2 logbook - Username: hms Password: sos - Fpi-2 website - Vijay Kumar Updates ------------------- - Updated gbeam.param file - Switched to one Dave G had recommended - Should now have consistent param files with Ali/Richard - Working on Lumi study - Low energy PionLT data - Ran into some issues with - Summer 2019 data gbeam.param? - Do we need a new file? - Dave G has a script that gives some of the beam on target parameters that go in the file - it should be the same as KaonLT except for this change Stephen Kay Updates ------------------- - Merged in new online updates to offline branch - Should not be any conflicts - Scripts are compartmentalised in UTIL directories - Merger doesn't cause any issues with this - Should start to organise PionLT param and DB files as we did with KaonLT - Ali did some organization of KaonLT param - every detector is organized in directories - better isolates for chagnes, to avoid overwriting - also need to trim down std.kin, just PionLT settings - Nathan: we should make these changes as we begin doing the calibs Jacob Murphy Updates -------------------- - will start with HGC, NGC calibs - HMS Optics work - first optics pass for HMS 6.8GeV calibrations - Small issue where it's not getting the correct ytar value? - Look at where holes end up from all three foils - Jacob demonstrates why we meed the 6 GeV optical matrix - Peaks in H.gtr.y blend into each other if the wrong one is used - Ysieve resolution much better than Xsieve for some settings - possibly saturation effects larger for Ysieve? Next meeting: Wed Sept 28 @ 9:00 Eastern/7:00 Regina/6:00 Calif - Jacob will start first next time - ask to give some intro on the optics fitting for those less familiar