Nov 2/22 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes --------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH and SJDK) Today: KaonLT will be discussed first Please remember to post your slides at: Present: Regina - Garth Huber, Stephen Kay, Ali Usman, Alicia Postuma, Vijay Kumar, Nathan Heinrich, Muhammad Junaid, Love Preet CSULA - Konrad Aniol, Erika Gwin Ohio - Jacob Murphy, Julie Roche CUA - Richard Trotta JLab - Dave Gaskell FIU - Pete Markowitz - Garth notes he'll have to leave in ~1 hour - Vijay has some internet issues so will be slightly late Richard Updates --------------- LT separation code - Debugged issues with Bill's code - Inputs our root files, gets his root files out - Need to update framework, some variable naming, etc. but otherwise the modifications are complete - Bill will be giving a talk to us next week - GH suggests sending questions to Bill via email in advance Luminosity scans - looked at new runs taken during SIDIS that Peter Bosted suggested in the analysis meeting - these are at 10.6 GeV with SHMS negative polarity, so very useful - Runs 7948-7952 Carbon (neg polarity) shown - rate dependence looks generally pretty good IMPROVEMENTS MADE: - Looked at ELCLEAN vs ELREAL in scaler analysis - some rate dependences were improved, but others were worse, details not given - Switched back to ELREAL for now - found an error in SHMS code, should have EventType=1&3 for everything, some were missing #1 by mistake - opened up current threshold for some runs - GH: Was the 0.1 uA offset discussed previously added? RT: No. - carbon runs 7948-52 fairly flat ~5% variation, but a low current offset of a few percent would make this even flatter - 5uA run ~2% high? - would match with suggested ~0.1uA offset - runs 7954-60 show small evidence of LH2 boiling, consistent between both spectrometers - 10.6 GeV runs 5154-5299 still have some weird effect on the SHMS carbon runs - HMS runs look very good - runs 5175-5301 improved a lot after EventType fix - 10.6 GeV runs Peter mentioned look very good overall (5351 - 5358) - Highest current point looks odd (current cut issue?) - Carbon basically done, LH2 needs a little fixing (plots) - Cryotarget boiling correction should be the same at all beam energies - Qualitatively, looks like this may be the case - Dummy target Lumi scan up to 40uA available too - Will post plots on Redmine Ali Updates ----------- HeeP Coin offset study update - Peter looked at 6.2, 8.2 and 10.6 GeV pion/kaon data from KaonLT Got a correction factor of 0.998 on HMS central momentum - Calculated from Holly's formula - Momentum correction was applied already in Holly's magnet setting program in PionLT? - *Jacob* will follow up with Holly and figure out when this was actually applied - DG - At low momentum, this correction had some weird behavior - Peter has a vertical angle offset in HMS (~2.7 mrad) - No SHMS central momentum or angle correction - His study showed pion/kaon MM peaks at roughly the correct place (~2-3 MeV off) - Ali shows his before/after plots (of W) for each beam energy using Peter's offsets - 6.2 GeV, correction overcorrects the data. No offset actually gives best result - 8.2 GeV, correction improves things a lot - 10.6 GeV, correction improves things, but now the peak shift is in the opposite direction than with no offset - See slides for P_HMS/P_SHMS values - Still need to add vertical angle offset, but this won't really shift W - JM - 6.59 GeV/c central momentum offset for the HMS for the runs Ali was showing changed a lot - digs up some old tables from his earlier analysis to demonstrate this, runs 4806-4825 (KaonLT 10.6GeV delta scan) - DG points out that the angle was changing here too in some cases - Even still, there are some run to run shifts in this scan - NMR readback was shifting a lot in these runs, was the dipole actually locked here? - Is there an EPICS variable for the NMR lock? - If not, there probably should be - The MyaPlot archive will show whether the NMR was locked or not for these runs - Run sheets indicate there was some adjustment of the HMS between 4806 and 4808 - most likely the shift crew had the NMR locked, but hadn't waited long enough for the HMS to settle and got an alarm after run 4806 (such as at beginning of junk 4807) and made an adjustment before 4808 to bring things to spec - JM, AU, RT, VK will continue to *discuss* this offline - Ali shows before/after emiss plots (with Peter's offsets) - None of them look great - 8.2 GeV looks "best", data looks broader - 6.2 GeV looks worse than with no offset - pmy looks quite different between data/SIMC - No vertical offset applied here though *IMPORTANT* - RT - Peter has some different tweaks for SIMC, for example he re-calculates all variables on his own to be sure things are done the same way for both MC and data - the fact that Peter sees good agreement between Data & MC but Ali doesn't with same offsets should be a real concern - the different variable definitions v.likely a contributing factor - DG: Resolving this should be a priority! - hcana variable definitions are more straightforward than in SIMC, so suggestion is to modify SIMC to use identical formulas as hcana - *Richard* will take a look at adding in new SIMC variables where they're calculated to match hcana Vijay Updates ------------- Low energy lumi scan plots (runs 8456-70 carbon scaler analysis) - generally things look promising, with ~5% variation - Scaler yield shows increasing trend for HMS and SHMS carbon - Will need to play around with beam current offset - HMS and SHMS look different which is slightly odd - For low current run, may just need to apply an offset - Error bars for track yield lumi scans are very large - Scaler yield - applying CPULT - Should not be applying CPULT - Only need to apply electronic LT correction - Determine from comparison between CPU/EDTM LTs - Should also be using ELCLEAN or ELREAL, not total triggers, which is too loose at high rate - ELREAL is probably best - will discuss further offline ******************************************************************************* GH leaves to go catch the bus to the airport Rest of notes by SJDK ******************************************************************************* Jacob Updates ------------- Optics - Met with Holly yesterday - Target length and optical matrix - Discussed using A1N/D2N matrix elements: shouldn't really affect us too much - Jacob will check and compare with what we have to confirm this though Scanning through kinematics for PionLT - Making a master standard.kinematics file - Updating angles/energy in same way as KaonLT Vijay Discussion - Scaler Tree - Scaler current plot - Clarification of scaler reads - Richard shows in his code how this is done - - A little less intuitive in how these are counted and the sum is determined - Can't just integrate over the tree - Need to explicitly go through the tree one event at a time Stephen Updates --------------- - Added in RF-time corrected for flight time according to particle mass - e/pi/K/p - In hcana, runs ok - Need to test and check it looks OK - Flat vs beta for each particle type (with PID cuts for particle) - Will try to make some plots and show in an upcoming meeting - Implementation differs slightly from Shuo, will discuss Next meeting: - Note the new meeting time after shift to USA standard time 8:15 Eastern/7:15 Regina/5:15 Pacific (very sorry!) - new Zoom link too --------------------- Garth Huber is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Time: Nov 9, 2022 07:15 Saskatchewan Every week on Wed, until Dec 21, 2022, 7 occurrence(s) Nov 9, 2022 07:15 Nov 16, 2022 07:15 Nov 23, 2022 07:15 Nov 30, 2022 07:15 Dec 7, 2022 07:15 Dec 14, 2022 07:15 Dec 21, 2022 07:15 Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. Weekly: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 925 4269 7623 Passcode: 878842 Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 876 9923 US (New York) +1 646 931 3860 US +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 309 205 3325 US +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 689 278 1000 US +1 719 359 4580 US +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 360 209 5623 US +1 386 347 5053 US +1 507 473 4847 US +1 564 217 2000 US +1 669 444 9171 US Meeting ID: 925 4269 7623 Find your local number: ---------------------