Nov 23/22 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes ---------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH and SJDK) Today: PionLT will be discussed first Please remember to post your slides at: Present ------- Regina - Garth Huber, Stephen Kay, Ali Usman, Alicia Postuma, Nathan Heinrich, Love Preet CSULA - Konrad Aniol CUA - Richard Trotta, Tanja Horn FUI - Pete Markowitz Ohio - Julie Roche Glasgow - David Hamilton Nathan Updates -------------- - PhD Committee meeting went well - Classes to catch up on - Likely have an update in ~2 weeks Stephen Updates --------------- RF timing resolution improvements - Particle corrected RF time working - Individual offsets added in - Works nicely for various settings - Actually helps with the 2ns setting quite a lot, useful for PID here in the kaon case - trying to remove residual correlation with CoinTime, but didn't get it to work yet - will push the corrections by particle type soon Richard Updates --------------- Variable Differences between hcana and SIMC - Emailed Carlos about his calculations - Carlos explicitly recalculates everything - Will have to redo calculation in SIMC - starting to work on SIMC code changes Luminosity Scans - Ali has been playing with tracking parameters - previously was using combined SING+COIN to determine trackeff - now using trackeff from SING only - improves positive polarity current dependence by 5%, so only 15% remaining - BCMcurrent offsets - tried a 100nA offset, tightened up the rate dependence, makes linear target boiling effect more apparent - Improvements to this, will try 10nA next Bill's LT-sep Code - will contact Bill this week about some questions Alicia Updates -------------- Beam Spin Asymmetry (BSA) - replayed Q2=3, W=2.32, hi-eps, S.Wood earlier did Center setting for comparison - New analysis script which gets +ve/-ve helicity trees - focal plane cuts applied, RF cut is open, PID cuts but no HGC cut - S.Wood is looking at the Beam Polarization, so just raw asymmetries so far - no dummy subtraction - Center setting comparison with S.Wood looks good - Left setting has low stats for phi ~ 0 - Right setting has low stats for phi ~ +/-pi - Trying to choose -t bins for the data - Equal number of events per bin, not equal widths - Combined (roughly) all three settings to get initial view of asymmetry t-dependence - See sinusoidal relationship in each - Amplitude of the asymmetry grows with -t, looks very nice! - Question: t binning - Ali should probably use consistent binning in -t with the helicity analysis, to simplify interpretation of the data - Bin 5: *investigate* changing upper cut (i.e. remove some of the long tail), to simplify comparison to theory - Cut off low -t bin 1 for similar reason - Equalize bins 2 and 3 in terms of width? - On plot - Centre of each bin is shown, not the average. Could plot vs average -t of each bin - Q2/W/Epsilon distributions for each -t bin - Want average values for each bin - Tanja: Should investigate binning in K+ data too - Richard can make similar plots to Alicia quite quickly - Don't really need asymmetry for both epsilons - Just use the one with full phi coverage - However, do want high/low epsilon to have the same binning (for Ali's LT-separation), so may briefly need to look at the low epsilon t-binning - Final fit for sig_LT' extraction will need to include cos(phi) cos(2phi) in denominator, in addition to dominant sin(phi) in numerator - Missing Mass Plots - some background underneath pi+n peak still apparent, but no dummy target subtraction yet and cuts are not yet optimized - any background under the pi+n peak is likely to have a different BSA than the foreground data, will need to do some systematic studies on the effect - CLAS (Stefan Diehl) analysis dealt with the background by doing a side-band analysis and applied a correction to their data - the side-band was selected to be the events to the LEFT of the pi+n peak - hopefully we can get our data clean enough that that this is not needed Ali Updates ----------- - Discussing with other groups regarding HeeP/Lumi issues - looking at changes to track reconstruction params, and pruning params - when finalized, will make slides to show details - Heep offset issue on hold until variable difference issue is fixed - new error calculations for all efficiencies (Binomial instead of Gaussian) - should have something to show next week Garth Updates ------------- - WNPPC - in Banff National Park (Rocky Mountains) in mid-February - Regina group is sending 5 people. Abstracts will be circulated as they are available. - If USA colleagues are interested, the Abstract submission deadline is Dec 15. Next Meeting ------------ Wed Nov 30 @ 8:15 Eastern/7:15 Regina/5:15 Pacific - KaonLT will go first