Nov 30/22 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes ---------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH and SJDK) Today: PionLT will be discussed first Please remember to post your slides at: Present ------- Regina - Garth Huber, Stephen Kay, Alicia Postuma, Love Preet, Nathan Heinrich CSULA - Konrad Aniol CUA - Richard Trotta JLab - Dave Gaskell Ohio - Julie Roche, Jacob Murphy Meeting time will be moved to 09:00 Eastern for Dec 14, 21, Jan 4 A poll will be distributed later to select meeting time for Jan 11+ KaonLT first today Richard Updates --------------- - Luminosity replays will be running soon - Waiting on this from Ali, tracking updates needed - Needed to fix some errors in report files - Discussed with Bill over email regarding LT software, waiting for more info - starting to generalize Heep script for Physics - looking to implement t-binning similar to Alicia's work - GH: Bill handles it in his LT separation code, should probably stay there for Richard too. The idea is to read in the SIMC and Expt data for all angles at a given (Q2,W) at once and handle them together. So there's no advantage to put the t-binning before the LT code Jacob Updates ------------- - Met with Holly two weeks ago, another meeting tomorrow - 6.8 GeV/c HMS matrix didn't seem very well optimised, trying to make improvements Run 14973: Central Foil. Run 14970: Multi-Foil - HMS PolTar ME fit - Very long target ME from A1n - Actually does an OK job at -ve delta for the -8.0 foil - Applied optimizations, so Three ME are studied: 1) Original ME 2) PolTar not optimized 3) PolTar optimized - Xsieve holes resolve better after ME optimizations are applied - some weird tilt in the holes at Ysieve ~4cm - PolTar matrix is smaller than other matrices - looking at to increase polynomial order in ME - DG: use COSY to calculate higher order ME and start with that - Will move on to looking at SHMS ME corrections soon - Highest was ~8 GeV/c in SHMS? - HB, Q1 saturation may play a role at higher momentum - DG: weird correlations were observed between W_elastic & delta that Casey had to remove from 2019 data, hopefully you don't find the same problem Stephen Updates --------------- - Looking to remove correlation between RFtime and CoinTime - will push what he has to GITHUB soon - Hall C workshop in January - Agenda needs to be finalised a bit, a few talks planned - One LT separation talk (both PionLT/KaonLT) - Nathan - Spectrometer/Magnet performance talk - Jacob - Tracking performance talk - Ali - Summer meeting, Alicia give a talk on beam helicity asymmetries - Quarterly analysis meeting - RF timing improvements - Stephen Next Meeting ------------ Wed Dec 8 @ 8:15 Eastern/7:15 Regina/5:15 Pacific - PionLT will go first - GH will connect from his hotel at Stony Brook