Dec 14/22 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes ---------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH and SJDK) Today: PionLT will be discussed first Please remember to post your slides at: Present ------- Regina - Garth Huber, Stephen Kay, Ali Usman, Alicia Postuma, Nathan Heinrich CSULA - Konrad Aniol CUA - Richard Trotta, Tanja Horn JLab - Dave Gaskell Jacob Updates ------------- - HMS Optics Matrix Element (ME) updates - Met with Holly last week - Making improvements to PolTar ME --> Optimized PolTar - Comparing Recon 2018 (used for online except highest momentum), 6.6 GeV/c matrix, PolTar - Sieve plane with Optimized PolTar is reasonable, some holes have a weird tilt - Upstream foil: -ve delta resolution is fairly bad - Central foil: additional holes at lower right (+Ys,-Xs) since more events pass (Ytar vs delta) cuts - Discussion: More events now, why? - Reconstructed to the wrong place? - apply xpfp vs xfp cuts to identify sieve holes - fit new ME, Ytar is known from foil target coordinate - recalc what target quantities should be, check if Xtar is all right - Ytar resolution is improved, peak is sharper and more events pass narrow Ytar cut - Showed result to Holly, doing a second pass fit, use "new" sieve holes to try to get further improvement - optimized the cuts - No improvement in yfp for upstream/downstream foils - Only improvement seemed to be on the central foil - Second optimisation improved sieve rows Ys 1, 7 (slightly) - working on a write-up for his thesis, will distribute - making improvements to scripts so easier for someone else to do optimizations in the future - next step is to add in higher order elements and see if solver can do new fit - Holly is working on SHMS high momentum ME - Will be presenting Optics updates at Hall C meeting in January - almost done std.kin checks Nathan Updates -------------- - will start with Detector time optimizations after Finals (next week) - Ref times etc - Most cuts wide open, they work but could be narrowed - will replay runs from different settings to see if Ref time jumping around - following Carlos Yero instructions - Nathan is giving the LT talk at the Hall C meeting (both expts) - KaonLT: TH comment, its *very important* we present a plan on progress toward cross sections, can't just keep giving the same talk, the data taking was completed some time ago and people are eager to see progress - RT can send efficiency plots almost immediately - Jan 3 *Deadline* to send NH: some rough/preliminary cross section plots - PionLT: initial analysis, try to stick to new material, not just online - Meet with Ali/Richard and others next week to try and decide on the structure of the talk Junaid ------ - Still away, sent fancy pictures from his wedding in Pakistan Vijay ----- - returning Dec 24 from his father's funeral in India Richard Updates --------------- - Bill updated LT Separation directory containing all his datasets and scripts not in GitHub - can more easily see his iteration procedure now - located at: /work/eic/users/billlee/omega_analysis - Stephen needs to move this to a group/accessible area - SIMC/hcana PMiss, EMiss discrepancies - Adding in hcana calculations into SIMC - In hcana, it uses the Boost function for TLorentz vectors to get them in the right frame - No such functions exist in SIMC so doing these manually - TH: Analytical boost functions should already be in SIMC - RT will check with Dave G or Mark Jones Ali Updates ----------- - fairly busy with end of semester teaching stuff - Modifying error calculations (from Gaussian to Binomial) in report template files - Will improve error bars on all future replays - Need to add correction factor for EDTM livetime that Dave G mentioned in the last meeting - HMS calorimeter efficiency study needed Alicia Updates -------------- - No new updates, courses/end of term keeping Alicia busy like lots of others - Next on the table is the dummy target subtraction for the asymmetries - Need to check error bar propagation - Will replay many other data settings over break with the helicity enabled - Comparisons of BSA data to models - Alicia will run VR/VGG models to get LT' values at some point - GH has contacted Kroll & Goloskokov re. GPD model calcs, no reply yet - NOTE: Peter Kroll responds on Dec 15. He's interested in the data, but it will be some months before he has time to look at it - GH will also contact B-G Yu in Korea about Regge-based model Discussion of JLab 20+ GeV Upgrade ---------------------------------- - GH: Hall C can do a lot without upgrading spectrometers to around ~18 GeV beam energy, dictated by sum of HMS(7)+SHMS(11) momenta - For exclusive reactions at least anyway, SIDIS has weaker constraint and can use HMS+SHMS to even higher energy - GH also looked at impact of replacing HMS with a new spectrometer capable of smaller angle and higher momentum. Its impact was fairly limited in comparison to what you can do with HMS+SHMS and 18GeV beam - Pion form factor reach extended to Q2~11.5 GeV with an 18 GeV beam - improvements are due to larger delta-epsilon because of higher upper beam energy, and larger virtual photon flux at a given Q2 - conclusion from Aug 20+ workshop was that 16-18 GeV e- beam gives you the 12 GeV GPD program properly! Next Meeting ------------ Wed Dec 21 @ 9:00 Eastern/8:00 Regina/6:00 Pacific - KaonLT will go first - GH will distribute a poll soon to pick a time for meetings after Jan 10