Mar 2/23 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes --------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH) Today: KaonLT will be discussed first Please remember to post your slides at: Present ------- Regina - Garth Huber, Alicia Postuma, Muhammad Junaid, Nathan Heinrich, Vijay Kumar, Ali Usman CUA - Richard Trotta, Tanja Horn JLab - Dave Gaskell FIU - Pete Markowitz Ohio - Julie Roche CSULA - Konrad Aniol Ali Updates ----------- Update to Heep singles, request to plot HMS_cal_eff vs P_HMS - see a small decline with momentum, up to 4 GeV/c - DG: resolution effect should give lower eff for P<2 GeV/c, not a decrease at higher P - best to call this a constant 99.5% efficiency with a small point-to-point uncertanty to take into account the variation - doesn't see any reason for efficiency to decrease for P~6 GeV/c in physics data - AU: will keep an eye on this in physics analysis, as COIN cuts may clear things up for P>4 GeV/c HMS-Cer-Ef vs (x,y)_CER is still to do For next 2 weeks: - starting pion PID for physics - initial look at Q2=2.1, 3.0 settings and finalize PID cuts for both pi+n, pi+Delta0 final states - since Ali's foreground is Richard's background, and vice-versa, they will coordinate Richard Updates --------------- SIMC to hcana variable calculation script - DG and RT fixed everything, various bugs found, finding an errant minus sign was particularly important - data MC comparison looking better - SIMC distributions still a bit narrower than data - DG: CaFe expt recently found that their fast raster correction in hcana had the wrong sign - this affects delta-reconstruction, it would be slightly wrong, resulting in worsened resolution - this is worth checking in our data too, try reversing sign and see if resolution improves or not - fortunately RT had this plot available, shows Raster-Y vs EM - looks like there might be a small negative correlation - TH: In Fpi-2, there was also a correlatino that needed to be corrected for - see p.107 of her thesis - DG: how confident are you in BPM calibration in replay? - this would also affect Y-tar reconstruction, in addition to Raster - RT: using Carlos Yero's calibration, so believes it's fine LT-sep code: average kinematics & xsects - shows some plots for Q2=5.5, W=3.02, t=0.01-1.99, Diamond-cut applied - trial bins: 3 t-bins, 10 phi- bins - BLACK=center, RED=left, GREEN=right - right setting high epsilon looks high compared to others at high -t, lower -t bins look fine, so not sure what's going on - SIMC statistics look too low, GH suggests to run SIMC longer so that statistical errors in EXP/SIMC ratio are dominated by uncertainties in data, not MC - GH: Ratio plotting scales need more care, remember that Left & Right SHMS settings have some phi bins that are barely populated - they may end up with weird ratios, but also these ratios have huge errors, they can be safely ignored - make plot ranges to concentrate on those phi-bins which have good statistics - GH: also please take a closer look at the EXP/MC plots that were used historically (such as in LT-sep procedure slides, and make plots similar to those, so that we can more readily interpret the results For next 2 weeks: - add more variables to SIMC conversion script - push it to SIMC main repository, so it is a resource for others too - try to see what's going on with right SHMS setting with weird normalization AU: now that SIMC conversion script is working, wants to test if PBosted offsets work for our data or not Vijay Updates ------------- Q2=0.38, 0.42 analysis - updated MMpi cut 0.96->0.98 - shows events per t-bin after all cuts - statistics per bin look pretty consistent - TH: binning looks okay, highest -t bin is wider, but this is always an issue - working on average-kinematics files, shows some examples For next 2 weeks: - complete input files for average-kinematics - plots of SIMC vs Data - GH: please coordinate with RT so that your plots are in same format, so that we can more easily interpret them and spot inconsistencies or errors Nathan Updates -------------- Aerogel Calibrations now running - plotting time-dep and run-dep of calibrations - hoping for one calibration per index, but will see after making plots Looking more at LD- setting which had yield decrease after new RefTime cuts - re-running w/Stephen's online setup Next Meeting ------------ Thur Mar 9 @ 17:00 Eastern/16:00 Regina/14:00 Pacific - PionLT will go first New Meeting Time after USA savings time starts on Mar 12: - we agree to change meeting time to 16:00 Eastern/14:00 Regina/13:00 Pacific - GH will set up Zoom reservations and send out calendar invitations