Mar 9/23 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes --------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH and SJDK) Today: PionLT will be discussed first Please remember to post your slides at: Present ------- Regina - Stephen Kay, Garth Huber, Muhammad Junaid, Ali Usman, Alicia Postuma, Vijay Kumar, Nathan Heinrich JLab - Dave Gaskell CUA - Richard Trotta CSULA - Konrad Aniol Ohio - Julie Roche Nathan Updates -------------- Aerogel calibrations - Petr Stepanov's calibration code used - presentation from Petr on this, 2020-Sept-23 - Fits 20 Gaussians with some exponential tail dropping off as BG - Each Gaussian is convoluted with an exponential fall off - Realistically only up to ~5 PE is needed - also note that we should have no pedestal as this is instrinsically removed as part of FADC algorithm - Ran calibration, plotted constants for each PMT vs run number - Looks fairly flat across run numbers - Scale is very large due to large error bars though - Only PMT that looks odd is +3, poor Chi2 - Three fit methods in script, could try changing them and testing out? - Will try reducing number of Gaussian's down to 10 or lower rather than 20 - GH: Maybe 6? - Compare to old algorithm (Peter B?) - Old algorithm plot scales are very compressed compared to Petr's ones - Petr's is better, but a lot of free parameters, which inflates errors - the calibration parameters from the two algorithms seem not consistent each other, NH needs to better understand exactly what is calculated - Add some cuts to clean up protons? - protons would add background events to left of 1pe peak (delta knockout) which could throw off the calibration - NH: Petr's script requires some cuts before hand to begin with, wants a slightly cleaned up file, but not yet familiar with exactly what is done - DG: Did kaons fire aero in PionLT? - If just above threshold, might affect statistical sample - GH: Kaons do fire the aerogel (or should) all the time If want to reject kaons, then should place a cut on HGC in addition - RT: Applying any geometry cuts on the tray? i.e. for some indices the aerogel does not fully fill the tray - Old algorithm isn't, Petr's is - Should apply in both - *Aerogel calib to do:* - Need to check cuts in Petr's code - Be sure protons are removed - tray size cut - Reduce #Gaussians in fit, hopefully get smaller error bars - understand why params from two codes are so different - read up on FADC operation, pedestal suppression (e.g. C Yero thesis) -Mystery LD- setting investigation (one with missing events after RefTime cut) - Identical output with different reference time cuts, something's wrong - can't figure out what's wrong with his scripts, asks if someone else can try running from their account to see if get same answer - *Junaid* will try to take a look at this setting next week - DG: Do you apply timing cuts to trigger aparatus channels separately or just to coincidence after it has formed? - Yes, does have both - Carlos had issues because they didn't have cuts on T1/T3, just the coin time - NH will *send email* to CY to confirm what he's doing is correct Junaid Updates -------------- - No report, Busy with assignments Richard Updates --------------- SIMC to hcana conversion scripts (EM, PM, etc) - Finishing up scripts - Separate versions for production/HeeP, since different output variables Running more SIMC stats to reduce errors seen last week - GH: This is fine, but What we actually need from SIMC is a functional form for L/T/LT/TT and how they vary with kinematics - This is different to what is in SIMC now - Garth sent physics_iterate.f routine as an example on how to do this - Should be more straightforward for Vijay looking at the Pion - GH: I'm happy to have a separate meeting to discuss this more - Need to pick *a* functional form separate for each before you do any iterations - *Then* run SIMC for large # of events - DG - Recent inclusive data had the sign of the raster correction wrong, not sure how far back this goes - this would adversely affect the reconstruction resolution - PionLT almost certainly affected, possibly even also for KaonLT - RT *will check* - Will be doing a new replay round soon - SK: Make sure to save it to /cache! Want backed up runs at this point! Ali Updates ----------- Looking at pion PID in KaonLT data - Setting up scripts - Hopefully plots/step by step guide next week - AU/RT should *meet* next week to discuss PID, since their foreground/background are linked Vijay Updates ------------- LT separation code - Lots of errors when updated average kinematic script - Fixing/debugging this - RT: There's a lot to go through, use diff/grep to check between scripts Alicia Updates -------------- - Very busy with two classes, no report Next Meeting ------------ New Meeting Time after USA savings time starts: - Thur Mar 16 @ 16:00 Eastern/14:00 Regina/13:00 Pacific - KaonLT will go first