Mar 16/23 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes ---------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH and SJDK) Today: KaonLT will be discussed first Please remember to post your slides at: Present ------- Regina - Stephen Kay, Garth Huber, Ali Usman, Alicia Postuma, Nathan Heinrich Vijay Kumar, Muhammad Junaid JLab - Dave Gaskell CSULA - Konrad Aniol CUA - Richard Trotta, Tanja Horn Ali Updates ----------- Q2=2.1, high/low epsion PID study - need to work around lack of RF info for some 10.6GeV data - Still working on finalising procedures/debugging scripts Richard Updates --------------- Carlos/Casey reported they still had rate dependence issue with Lumi scans at recent Hall C meeting - See Carlos' slides on DocDB - Will discuss with Carlos next week - Yield dependence vs beam current believed due to accidental hits blocking coin events - Applies a coin blocking factor to remove rate dependence - DG: In online CaFe results, Carlos did not have very tight cuts around T1/T2 that go into forming coin time - things should look better with tighter cuts, but no final study done yet - PB is also applying a rate-dependent correction, believed to be due to FADC deadtime - might be impossible to disentangle the two effects Investigatng strangely large yields previously seen for Right settings of Q2=3.0, 2.1 and 5.5, 10.6GeV data - Thinks this is somehow a replay level issue - Farm issues stopping them running, replaying again now that's fixed - Maybe an issue with TDC cuts? - Might not be the right that's the problem, could be left and centre - Real to random ratio very different between left/centre and right - Alicia doesn't see the same weirdness with the right setting for same data - Alicia's right setting has smallest yields, center is largest, as expected - Used files from Ali? - *Should* be the same param files? - Customised these to add helicity - Clearly, Alicia's different result greatly constrains the possible sources of the problem Richard sees - Richard will compare with Ali and take a look SIMC EM/PM scripts - Need to meet and discuss with DG about pushing SIMC scripts to GitHub Garth/Ali/Vijay/Richard met yesterday to discuss LTsep parameterisation - V. Useful - Slides at: Vijay Updates ------------- - Created kinematics files for LTSep analysis - Created input files for average kinematic script - Testing this script with input files - Still a few bugs to fix - Working on understanding the cross section model and iterating over the parameterisation - Garth has some ideas he will discuss via email - Need to go back and deal with normalized yield issues after understanding model cross sections Nathan Updates -------------- Aerogel Calibrations - Found the source of difference between Petr's method and old method - Petr fits on NPE while old method is fit on adcPulseAmp - To get back the calibration param value, just multiply by the current calibration value - SK: you could just give Petr's code CalibParam=1, so it fits FADC value - Plotted params as fn of run number - Petr's error bars are much larger than the variance of the calib data, so doesn't use them when computing means - 4+ looks like it has a trend vs time, 4- looks relatively stable - Added position cuts - Also added HGC cut - With tray and HGC cut, remove basically everything - Probably not much to be gained by adding cuts in? - DG: fiducial cuts are important for the global fit method, because want to be sure you have only particles expecting to give Cherenkov light - DG: need to take time-dependence of calib into account, as otherwise the aerogel efficiency is time-dependent (worse!) - TH: break the calibrations into periods based on settings, then time-dep automatically taken into account - NH will break up the data into chunks Next Meeting ------------ - Thur Mar 23 @ 16:00 Eastern/14:00 Regina/13:00 Pacific - PionLT will go first Join Zoom Meeting