Aug 10/23 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes ---------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH) Today: KaonLT will be discussed first Please remember to post your slides at: Present ------- Regina - Garth Huber, Nathan Heinrich, Muhammad Junaid, Ali Usman, Nacer Hamdi, Vijay Kumar, Alicia Postuma, Portia Switzer CUA - Richard Trotta FIU - Pete Markowitz CSULA - Konrad Aniol Richard Updates --------------- Aerogel geometrical tray cuts are now implemented in SIMC SIMC 4cm edge Calorimeter geometrical cut - PeterB had suggested to implement (remove comment) in the SIMC code - RT has done this - RT will *follow-up* on whether the cut comment is removed in the master version of SIMC and push, since it's clearly needed for everyone Rewrote LT-analysis scripts - now apply PID and acceptance cuts on run-by-run basis - diamond cuts drawn on Center setting (and hopefully checked for Left and Right?) - random subtractions then done for data and dummy target - combine all settings and choose t/phi bins for low epsilon, and check for high epsilon - compare SIMC to Data-Dummy for each SHMS setting - combine settings for each (Q2,W,t,phi,epsilon) bin for Data, Dummy, SIMC - yield is calculated from effective charge (where LT, Eff applied to Charge on run-by-run basis) - we had an extended discussion on Richard's script to determine average kinematics - the script seems *overly complicated*, a simpler script is less likely to contain errors - GH is willing to have another meeting on this, or any other issue, just ask! Vijay Updates ------------- Working on TrkEff for pi+ and electrons - plot is shown of TrkEff vs Run # - pi+: 97.5% to 99.9% - e: 99.5% to 99.9% - please make a plot of TrkEff vs S1X_Rate(kHz) so we can see if the decreasing trend with rate makes sense. It will also make a nice plot for thesis. Next step is plot of EDTM_LT vs Trigger Rate Ali Updates ----------- Presented draft slides for upcoming ECT* workshop on Transition GPDs - workshop dates: Aug 21-25 - invitation was to present pi+Delta0 channel from KaonLT data - Dry run is Monday at 15:00 Eastern - GH will set up and distribute Zoom link Alicia Updates -------------- t-binning for BSA analysis - starting with Q2=5.5 setting, which has worst statistics - probably will use 4 instead of 5 t-bins - 15 phi bins seems too many for the statistics - error bars fairly big, and lots of sensitivity to whether A, or A,B,C fit is used - will try 9 or 11 phi bins - maybe consider the differences between A, or A,B,C fits to decide which binning to use - Q2=4.4 setting: - 15 phi-bins looks okay - lower Q2: lots of statistics so can try 8-10 t-bins to nicely get t-shape of asymmetry - since there are so many events, it's not needed to have equal statistics for each t-bin, just as long as they are all above a minimum amount Portia Updates -------------- This is Portia's last day with us this summer. Besh wishes Portia on your upcoming wedding! Delta0pi+ MM plots - scaling SIDIS and piDelta SIMC distributions to match data for each phi bin at Q2=4.4 - Green=SIDIS Blue= piDelta Red=Green+Blue Black=Data - statistics are much less than for pi+n BSA analysis - only 1 t-bin for this setting, lower Q2 settings may have 2 t-bins - the fits are reasonably good in the Delta region, but some discrepancies - clear evidence of Second Resonance contributions to the data - GH needs to look at *modifying* piDelta code for piN* Nathan Updates -------------- Running comparo between data w/ new HGC calib and online data - job not done yet, as ifarm is doing annual maintenance this week Mods to standard.kinematics are continuing Junaid Updates -------------- DC calibs - RefTime cuts were wrong for Heep singles data (wrong trigger chosen) - switched to ELREAL RefTime cuts, looks better now Calorimeter calibs - finished 9.9 GeV calibs, doing only one calibration per shift now Next Meeting ------------ - Thur Aug 17 @ 16:00 Eastern/14:00 Regina/13:00 Pacific - PionLT will go first - GH will send an email to DG,TH,JR,PB,PM to see when they're *available* past Aug 17