Hi again, PeterB agreed with the idea of repeating the fit with a constraint on the beam energy offset based on the arc energy measurement uncertainty. The new results are below. According to the log, each measurement has an uncertainty of about 2.6 MeV, independent of energy at least for the range 2.7-4.9 GeV. That corresponds to a fractional uncertainty of 0.59-0.87E-3, so I took +/-0.7E-3 as the constraint on the beam energy offset dE. However, one of the measurements, had a significant issue in that the arc energy tool gave an energy of 2.7832 GeV, which was surprisingly far from the expected 2.75 GeV. After some discussion in June-2019, MarkJ came up with a revised estimate of 2.74996 GeV, which I think Vijay is using his analysis. So I'll assume the uncertainty on this measurement is the same as the others for now, but this might need revisting. I also fixed an error, which was that the Heepcheck derivatives were calculated for a wrong setting for one of the energies. With this beam energy offset constraint, the global fit offset results look quite a bit more reasonable. As expected, the dpp(SHMS) and dpe(HMS) offsets are also now quite a bit smaller. The dthp(SHMS) angle offset is also quite a bit smaller, while the dthe(HMS) angle offset has grown slightly. Finally, the chi-square per energy is also more uniform. The 3.6 GeV Heep setting still has the largest chi-square contribution to the global fit, but by a lesser amount than before. Of course, the overall chi-square is slightly larger now, as the constrained fit no longer corresponds to the absolutely best fit, but the difference is not huge. If you have questions or comments, please let me know. We can discuss these further at Thursday's meeting. Thanks, Garth *** RESULTS *** ! units are 0.1% for momenta/energy, 1 mrad for angles Global Offsets: dthe 1.3000 dpe 0.0000 dthp 0.7000 dpp 1.8000 dE: -0.7000 0.7000 0.7000 0.0000 -0.2000 chisq: 48.357 5.608 17.334 9.608 5.458 10.350 Offsets for Energy: 2750.0 dthe 2.3000 dpe 0.0000 dthp 0.3000 dpp 4.8000 dE 0.7000 chisq 3.201 Offsets for Energy: 3660.2 dthe 0.4000 dpe 0.1000 dthp 0.1000 dpp 1.4000 dE 0.6000 chisq 0.082 Offsets for Energy: 3834.9 dthe 0.1000 dpe 0.6000 dthp 0.7000 dpp 0.0000 dE -0.1000 chisq 0.603 Offsets for Energy: 4559.7 dthe 0.4000 dpe 1.6000 dthp 1.8000 dpp 0.0000 dE -0.1000 chisq 2.795 Offsets for Energy: 4932.0 dthe 0.9000 dpe 0.8000 dthp 2.2000 dpp 0.2000 dE -0.5000 chisq 4.194 *** Expected shifts *** units are 0.1% for momenta/energy, 1 mrad for angles --- Original --- Global --- Individual Fit Energy 2750.0 W 6.3945 1.2125 0.5605 EM 4.0667 -0.5763 -1.2563 PMZ 4.0486 1.5776 1.1436 PMX -0.5784 -1.1474 0.0186 Energy 3660.2 W 1.0657 -3.7233 0.0367 EM 0.8051 -0.4669 -0.1919 PMZ 0.8696 1.4406 0.2086 PMX -0.8696 1.0854 0.0244 Energy 3834.9 W 3.1973 -2.1227 0.1733 EM 1.0916 -0.6014 -0.5094 PMZ 1.1614 1.2994 0.5594 PMX -0.3871 1.7469 0.0269 Energy 4559.7 W 10.6576 1.8176 0.3706 EM 3.3951 -1.3749 -1.1409 PMZ 2.5072 0.4362 1.1642 PMX -0.7163 -0.2713 -0.0173 Energy 4932.0 W 12.7891 2.3761 0.5001 EM 4.0027 -1.3573 -1.4443 PMZ 2.7100 0.7800 1.3630 PMX -0.7743 -1.5013 -0.0113 Mean 2.7718 0.0315 0.0789