Sept 7/23 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes ---------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH & AH) Today: KaonLT will be discussed first Please remember to post your slides at: Present ------- Regina - Garth Huber, Nathan Heinrich, Abdennacer Hamdi, Vijay Kumar, Alicia Postuma CSULA - Konrad Aniol CUA - Richard Trotta, Tanja Horn JLab - Dave Gaskell Vijay Updates ------------- Continuation of SHMS Hodoscope vs. Run number and vs. trigger rate studies - hodoscope 4 has much lower efficiencies than the other planes - most 3/4 planes have efficiency greater than 97% - Garth: check the drop of efficient with respect to momentum (especially at low momentum) Next steps - luminosity study, has started working on scripts Richard Updates --------------- Luminosity scan follow-up from last week - relative yields vs current looks flatter for Carbon than LH2 - doing weighted linear fits now (including error bars) - Carbon Normalized Yield vs Current: (0.17% +/- 4.3%)/100uA - LH2 Normalized Yield vs Current: (7.90% +/- 1.8%)/100uA - discussion on "linear regression plots of boiling factor vs current" - these gave different results, but we think that's due to a misinterpretation of the text in CarlosY's thesis - concluded that the boiling in Carbon is negligible, and no additional corrections to the data are required - the 7.9%/100uA factor above should be applied to LH2 data on a run-by-run basis, depending on the average current for each run - errors in the boiling factor will also have to be propagated, including also the uncertainty in the BCM calibration Kinematic plots per t-bin - Fortran average kin script is working now Nathan Updates -------------- Hodoscope calibrations - we thought they were done, but apparently Jacob never pushed his calibs to GitHub, so all of the other detector calibrations done to date used online hodo calib parameters - not only will the hodoscope calibrations have to be done/re-checked, but this also means (unfortunately) that other detectors (particularly drift chambers) will have to be rechecked - although a setback, it's good this was caught before we got too much further in the analysis! - located Jacob's scripts and calib files in his working area on the ifarm - SHMS hodo calibs are running now - HMS: fighting some script issues - hoping that 3 time-walk calibs, a new one each time the hodoscopes were turned off, will be sufficient - VP calib will be done once per beam energy (not sure what VP stands for, though) NPS Run Coordinator duties - Nathan will do Jan 31-Feb 7/2024 Alicia Updates -------------- Q2-dependence of sigma_LT'/sigma_0 at fixed xB=0.415, 0.245 - displayed next to CLAS-6,12 data - raw data only, no scaling applied to constant t or xB - Q2-dependence at each xB looks fairly flat within scatter of data - probably need to do a t-interpolation of data to a fixed value (right now just have data within a specific t-range) - Alicia: It would be nice to have a model to compare the data to, will run PARTONS Garth Offset Studies -------------------- Out-of-Plane - following procedure on pages 105-106 of Tanja's thesis - obtained BPM-y and SHMS,HMS Matrix Element info from Richard to compute phi offsets - out-of-plane study reveals large out of plane offsets, probably unphysical - DaveG suggests to check the reverse of the Y-axis, i.e. Pp/Pe instead of Pe/Pp, as the figure in the thesis might be mis-labeled In-Plane - received preliminary info from Richard for 6191, 8209, 10585 MeV Heep Coin data - tried a global fit of in-plane offsets for 8 beam energies, and compared results to last week's fit for 5 beam energies - angle and momenta offsets are generally comparable, although residuals are significantly larger for some higher beam energy data - probably have to let HMS momentum offset float for settings where P>5 GeV/c - waiting for Richard final data before continuing study of in-plane offsets Next Meeting ------------ - NOTE THE NEW TIME AND ZOOM CONNECTION INFO! - Tues Sept 12 @ 15:00 Eastern/13:00 Regina/12:00 Pacific - PionLT will go first - we will use this time until the end of October, when USA goes off daylight savings time - until then, we have to be sure to let Nathan to go earlier, as he has to leave for TA work no later than 14:15 Regina time