Sept 12/23 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes ----------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH & AH) Today: PionLT will be discussed first Please remember to post your slides at: Present ------- Regina - Garth Huber, Nathan Heinrich, Muhammad Junaid, Alicia Postuma, Vijay Kumar, Ali Usman, Nacer Hamdi FIU - Pete Markowitz CUA - Richard Trotta, Casey Morean York - Stephen Kay Ohio - Julie Roche JLab - Dave Gaskell Nathan Updates -------------- Hodoscope calibrations, picking up from where Jacob left off - comparison of before and after calibrations for SHMS data - Hodoscope calibration SHMS looks good, HMS calibrations are now running - Showed generally flat SHMS Beta vs Xfp, Yfp distributions, while before plots had pronounced wiggles - SHMS: 10 runs were calibrated, will look at stability before deciding how many calibrations are ultimately needed - will do time walk first, hopefully only 3 sets needed, as MarkJ says that these should be quite stable - V_P (propagation speed??) may have to be done more often, as the output is complicated and it's harder to tell if things are stable or not - small statistical deficit near middle x-position to be investigated Junaid Updates -------------- Finished calorimeter calibrations for both SHMS, HMS - all database files updated, pushed to GitHub Will look again at DC calibs after Nathan pushes initial hodo changes - Waiting for the time of walk check/push from Nathan - might help Nathan with some of the stability checks in the interim Richard Updates --------------- Update on the kaon LT analysis software - sample of binning scripts shown - SIMC data will have to be rebinned every iteration, but Exp data should only need to be rebinned once (at beginning, after offsets are finalized) Will have a discussion with GH, VK, AU on LTsep software, and Offsets tomorrow at Noon Eastern, 10:00 Regina time Alicia Updates -------------- Beam spin asymmetry fit results - Beam asymmetry fits look consistent over most t-bins, except for couple of bins at different Q2 - Q2=2.11, lowest -t bin differs from zero by <2 sigma, which seems reasonable - short question on whether we should include an offset in the BSA fit, as one bin's data suggests the fit would be better if BSA oscillation was slightly shifted from zero - this bin still has a reasonable chi-square near 1, however - DG: if you include an offset, you have to do it for all bins, not just this one - GH: doesn't think adding an offset is justified given the quality of the fit to the data without one - would imply an unusual systematic error in the measurement of the BSA that seems difficult to imagine - calculation of average kinematics per bin - plot xB to get value from histo, instead of calculating from Q2-bar, W-bar Vijay Updates ------------- SHMS Hodoscope efficiencies per plane - Runs: 8500-8600 display low efficiency compared to higher runs, also ~ 1-2% efficiency jumps between different runs - Plane 4 has the lowest rate, particularly for first set of runs near 8500 - Dave: it could be related to protons contamination in the pion sample, this decreases the efficiency, particularly for the quartz plane 4 - suggests to add Aerogel PID cut to select mostly pions (in the report file calculation only, not the analysis) - this might get rid of some efficiency fluctuations and raise the plane 4 eff - concerned that the real hodoscope efficiency is a stable >99%, rather than fluctuating down to 97%. This would give rise to a 2% error in the LT-sep, which would be magnified to an unacceptable level - instead of plotting vs Coin Trig Rate, plot vs SHMS 3/4 trigger rate, which corresponds more closely to the flux rate on the focal plane detectors - working on Carbon luminosity analysis, nothing to show yet Ali Updates ----------- - Rerunning HeeP coin analysis for all Kaon LT data, for cross check against Richard's results - this is motivated by inconsistencies that GH reported in Heep data for offsets - Picking up on Portia's DeltaPi BSA analysis - comment from Trento meeting was to look more carefully at the pi+n exclusive radiative tail - Next: Estimate exclusive radiative tail and SIDIS of delta Next Meeting ------------ - NOTE THE NEW TIME AND ZOOM CONNECTION INFO! - Tues Sept 19 @ 15:00 Eastern/13:00 Regina/12:00 Pacific - KaoonLT will go first Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 944 7021 1297 Passcode: 320362