--- 2023 Oct 16 (Notes from CT Leakage Meeting) Attendance: Alicia P., Ali U., Garth H., Richard T. --- Cointime Leakage Issue - Ali was updated on the bifurcation seen in beta vs CT - The bifurcation needs to be cut out and corrected with a beta efficiency - A consistent beta cut needs to be applied for all runs (heep included) - Use 8.2 data as a reference to check what good data looks like - Nathan suggested it may be a rate dependent correction so such a beta efficiency may need to be applied setting by setting - It is a beta correction not CT (they are correlated), but a cut in beta will also apply to CT - CT is based off the SHMS reference time so HMS should be correlated to this - Ali can add the beta efficiency to the report file to check the possible rate dependence - In CT vs beta: Three boxes... - Around central peak - Lower bifurcation - Upper streak - This will require a MM cut for each particle type, a CT cut, and possibly randoms - CT vs MM plot binned in cuts of beta may help to pick a good "box" for each scenario - Maybe combine upper+lower and apply cut in CT vs MM. Then compare ratio of this upper+lower and central peak to all data, respectively. - Make sure PID also included Next Steps - Everything will need to be replayed after this - This will include new offset values - Out of plane offsets is not fully resolved yet - Possibly find from Pmy? - Ali will work on report file and Richard will finish up offsets. Then a new replay of all data will be done.