Dec 14/23 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes ---------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH) Today: PionLT will be discussed first Please remember to post your slides at: Present ------- Regina - Garth Huber, Muhammad Junaid, Nathan Heinrich, Ali Usman, Vijay Kumar, Alicia Postuma, Nacer Hamdi CUA - Richard Trotta, Tanja Horn JLab - Dave Gaskell FIU - Pete Markowitz Nathan ------ Getting ready for full replay of PionLT data - param files in standard.database are set up - modifications to param files done by some scripts, took several days to get everything working - CoinTime offset needs adjustment due to RefTime cut change - wrote a sript to plot CoinTIme, want it centered around 0 w/ new offset - replays to determine new CT offset worked ~30 runs done so far, more planned - PTRIG6 runs will require different CT offsets than PTRIG5 runs - full replay going soon Junaid ------ More on getting ready for full replay of PionLT data - updated def cuts for efficiency studies, report files - setting up batch scripts before starting full replay Richard ------- Batch job information - recommends to separate hcana replay from python script job - makes memory allocation for jobs easier - need to increase memory efficiency for batch jobs in order to get a good running priority - 800MB seems to be a good allocation for hcana replays - python request needs 10GB, seems large, needed for jobs to run properly - GH: try creating a python binary for production running, interpreted python is good for development, but is inefficient for large scale running, this should reduce memory usage and CPU time - newest replays at: /lustre19/expphy/cache/hallc/kaonlt/Pass3_Dec_2023 - rough vresion of script that calculates resource usage: /u/group/c-kaonlt/USER/trottr/lt-analysis/ - meeting w/ Ali to discuss efficiecies, uncertainties in effs, Heep yields - Ali mentions that we also need to implement offsets into SIMC physics input files Ali --- pi+ Delta0 BSA analysis - starting w/ Q2=2.115, 3.0-2.32, 3.0-3.14 settings - MM study in Delta region - need bin-by-bin shape study - SIDIS scaled to data in MM=1.4-1.55 GeV region - pi+n MC scaled to neutron peak - Delta MC is matched to data after n, SIDIS are subtracted - Delta yields calculated for MM=1.1-1.4 GeV region for each helicity setting - BSA calc separately for Delta, Bkd, Sum Yields - maybe we can do 2 t-bins for 2 FF points (higher statistics) after adding Left, Center, Right SHMS settings Things to be done: - check rho contribution to this MM region - implement kinematic offsets in analysis - understand pi+n resolution difference Dave: it's important to confirm you're doing a Dummy target subtraction - surprised the piDelta BSA is so close to the BSA asymmetry, is there a good physics reason why they're so similar? - it would be helpful to calculate also the BSA for the 1.35