Mar 21/24 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes ---------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH) Today: PionLT will be discussed first Please remember to post your slides at: Present ------- Regina - Garth Huber, Nacer Hamdi, Ali Usman, Alicia Postuma, Muhammad Junaid, Nathan Heinrich, Vijay Kumar JLab - Dave Gaskell FIU - Pete Markowitz CSULA - Konrad Aniol CUA - Casey Morean, Tanja Horn Nathan ------ PionLT luminosity scan analysis - worked on getting Richard's Lumi script working - shows initial result of first lumi scan in 2021 (Carbon runs 12144-12151) - these runs have a BCM calib from Dave Mack - only 4 of 9 points shown, some plotting bug to fix - SHMS Rate up to 200 kHz, current up to 70uA - the 4 points so far look reasonable, but more work to be done - Dave: what is "Relative Yield Scaler"? - probably is ELREAL scaler, but need to check - will work on single arm Lumi scan after the script is better understood - that scan will require a BCM calibration, will check with Dave Mack Junaid ------ PionLT Heep analysis - no plots to show this week - ran SIMC for all HeepCOIN settings, will do fits for GH offset studies Garth ----- Modifications to SIMC for pion scattering in SHMS collimator - located Fpi-2 HMS collimator routine for implementing in SIMC - Dave: SHMS collimator is 2.5 inches thick - Stephen: docDB report on SHMS collimator: Ali --- piDelta BSA - starting on 3 highest Q2, where no HMS delta-correction is needed - MM shape study - SIDIS and RHO dists so similar, so will just use SIDIS - shows example fit using either just SIDIS or just RHO - SIDIS fits are a bit better than RHO - plots of fitting still in progress - running SIDIS MC for more statistics - Q2=3.0, W=3.14 t-binning - this setting has enough statistics for 2 t-bins - can't use just SHMS center setting to determine binning, need to use L,R,C to get stats over full t-distribution - places a tight cut on piDelta MM region to get approximate statistics for binning without doing a background subtraction - will divide the t-dist at -t=0.425 for the 2 tins - Ideas on Systmatic Error estimate for Delta fitting - Option 1: compare BSA using integration of Delta MC fit to data, to BSA determined from (Data-SIDIS-pi+n fits) - Option 2: compare BSA when varying the pi+n and SIDIS fits - fit pi+ at peak, or at just the tail (an extreme case) - Tanja: exactly what systematic are you trying to determine here? - GH: expecting the uncertainty from the Delta fitting to dominate over the MM cut dependence, since the Delta peak is not clean (unlike pi+n) it is not so obvious that we can disentangle the Delta fitting systematic from the MM integration region systematic - Dave: when fitting pi+n MC, do you fit to the height of the peak, or the integral within some MM region to be less sensitive? - Ali: fits just to the pi+n peak - Dave: try to fit integral within some FWHM (or other region) and get the integrals to agree instead - Tanja: trying a variety of different methods to understand how various effects may be correlated seems the best approach Alicia ------ HMS delta-correction in hcana - hcana compilation issues - eventually got it to work after info from Stephen, Ole - editing SpectrometerClass - found that Tanja's old Q3 correction (fSatCorr) is already implemented in code - kept that architecture, but added two new options for P_HMS=5.3, 6.5 - MM vs hsxpfp plots shown for: - P=6.59, Run 4873 - if hsxpfp>0, hsdelta+=3.0 hsxpfp -- LOOKS GOOD - P=5.29 - if hsxpfp<0, hsdelta-=5.0 hsxpfp -- OVERCORRECTS, 4.0 looks better - running batch jobs for replaying these data - have "nearly final" BSA values for other three Q2 settings Dedicated meeting to discuss BSA errors, for April 1 or 2 - please fill out poll at: Vijay ----- Low Q2 PionLT analysis - no plots to show this week - working on Data/MC ratio plots with only Central SHMS setting - encountered unexpected errors, still debugging - last week's plots with all SHMS settings are available on RedMine - in addition, trying to understand MC iteration process Nacer ----- Low Q2 KaonLT PID studies - no plots to show this week - trying to get a good RF cut, other PID cuts are mostly ready - will try to reduce pi+n peak w/o cutting into Lambda/Sigma events - GH: once you decide on an RF cut, you will want to go back and recheck the other PID cuts as it will be a bit easier to distinguish small K+ from big pi+ sample - Nacer: if RF cut works really well, maybe won't need HGC cut, which would simplify other parts of analysis Stephen ------- SHMS NIM paper - thanks to everyone for submitting plots for NIM paper - has all of the needed plots now, will try to implement them soon - will aim to have paper ready for submission to NIM by end of April N*2024 Conference at York, June 14-21 - asked to give a 20 minute talk on meson form factors - will ask for update plots for the presentation - will distribute an abstract soon Next Meeting ------------ - Thur Mar 28 @ 15:00 Eastern/13:00 Regina - KaonLT will go first