May 2/24 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes --------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH) Today: PionLT will be discussed first Please remember to post your slides at: Present ------- Regina - Garth Huber, Nathan Heinrich, Nacer Hamdi, Ali Usman, Muhammad Junaid, Vijay Kumar, Zach Sullivan CUA - Casey Morean, Tanja Horn JLab - Dave Gaskell CSULA - Konrad Aniol York - Stephen Kay UVa - Richard Trotta FIU - Pete Markowitz Nathan ------ BCM calib results for PionLT - Dave Mack impressed with Nathan's fast progress - DM loked at NH's 2021 results, calculated some numbers to use - NH looked at 2022 results, calculating his own numbers to show DM - BCM4A 2021-22 data - DM, NH get similar calibration constants - BCM2 looks good, DM & NH numbers almost identical - NH shows fit of BCM Rate vs Unser Current and Residuals - Time vs Residual plot uses time of BCM runs themselves, to check for time dependence in fit residuals - residuals vs time look pretty stable, which is good news - the residuals plot that is concerning is BCM4A, 2021 data - shows a small (2-3 sigma) trend in residual with time - two BCM calib for runs 12500-12900 very consistent, so also are two BCM calib for runs 13700-14100, but a noticeable change between these two sets - no obvious reason why these 2 sets are different, or even where to put a time break between them - pushed calib param to HallC_replay - BCM4A uses error weighted average of these 4 2021 points - also takes weighted average of 4 2022 points - obvious break between these two sets is the end of 2021/start of 2022 running - Conclusion: 1) can use BCM2 or BCM4A, they have similar saturation @ high current - DM adds a quadratic term above 50uA - DG: Nathan should use the quadratic correction already in hcana, it was determined with a current source and should be still valid - Nathan will apply DM's quadratic correction and see if it works - after this, Nathan will replay all Lumi data 2) Nathan has not calibrated BCM4B - 2022 gain is very large, saturates at high current, but it might be very useful for low current LD2 data - this will be left for a future student looking at LD2 data, we need to be sure to leave an obvious note so this is not forgotten! 3) BCM4C should not be used at all - less stable than BCM4A and similar gain - everything seems sensible so far, we look forward to seeing the Lumi results after the replay, to confirm the calibration and non-linear correction Junaid ------ PionLT Heep OOP offset results - followed Garth's method for KaonLT data - get similar offsets - phi_HMS=+2.28mr, phi_SHMS=-0.41mr - error bars seem very small, and this could affect the fitting results - GH needs to review his notes and let Junaid know what errors to use - GH gave Junaid a set of in-plane Heep offfsets, not yet implemented Vijay ----- Low Q2 PionLT L/T-separations - changed MM lower cut from 0.93 to 0.91, as per last week's feedback - showed cointime for all 3 epsilon, and diamond cuts - did 15 iterations since last week - cross sections are stable now, which is good, but there are some anomalies in the phi-distributions and Data/MC ratios - most likely, the fitting function needs to be adjusted to get a better fit - e.g. sigT is just a simple linear dependence in t right now - Garth and Vijay need to discuss this early next week Richard ------- KaonLT L/T-separations - concentrating now on Q2=3, W=3.14 data, after it's working better will move next to high stats Q2=2.1 setting, and the lower statistics high Q2 settings will be last - tried customizing t-binning a bit more - observes a significant Q2-shift with t-bin, and this influences the parameterization - still using previous equation for t_ave=0.1112+0.0066*log(Q2) used in sigT, will need to revise this for KaonLT kinematics - GH thinks that the function for sigT is too complcated, should try a simpler function, as Vijay has done - Richard is giving a talk on Meson Structure @ EIC in Nanjing, May 14-17 - 25+10 min talk - has old slides to use - needs to circulate a draft soon Ali --- piDelta BSA analysis - looking at MM fits again after fixing recon_hcana to use m_pi instead of m_p - Q2=5.5 will have one t-bin, -t<1.05, excluding 1.05-1.60 region - gets reasonable phi coverage now - varied t-cut and then looked at MM distribution, to see what t-cut to use - Center setting: all 8 phi-bins are filled - shape study fits generally consistent w/shape of data - data have some fluctuations (statistics?) and the MC smoothly goes through the trend - Right setting: data fill 4 phi-bins, 2 have lower statistics, but MM fit still does a reasonable job - Left setting: data fill the other 4 phi-bins, 2 with low statistics - fit fails for the 2 low stats phi bins also because MM range is limited - however, these bins are filled w/center data, so overall will be OK - will redo shape study for other (Q2,W) kinematics - Garth: the SIMC resolution tuning was done when recon_hcana had wrong mass - did you rerun your scripts to check that things are OK? - yes, checked that MC did not over-estimate tail for any t-phi bin Nacer ----- Low Q2 KaonLT analysis - looked at Lumi scripts written by Richard - had to do some path tweaks to get them to work in his account - Richard will point Nacer to special Lumi runs done later by Mark Jones & Peter Bosted @ 10.6 GeV - this exercise is mostly for Nacer's overall understanding, next step would be to look more closely at the Heep data taken with 3.8, 4.9 GeV beam Hall A/C Summer Workshop discussion ----------------------------------- - it seems they are looking for talks about "publication ready" results - Richard, Vijay, Ali results not yet at this stage, maybe January workshop would be better - Alicia has done further BSA work since January update, and plots she shows should be the same ones as in the paper - Tanja will reply - workshop is July 15-16 Next Meeting ------------ - Thur May 9 @ 15:00 Eastern/13:00 Regina - KaonLT will go first