May 16/24 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes ---------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH) Today: PionLT will be discussed first Please remember to post your slides at: Present ------- Regina - Garth Huber, Ali Usman, Nathan Heinrich, Vijay Kumar, Zach Sullivan, Nacer Hamdi, Muhammad Junaid, Alicia Postuma York - Stephen Kay JLab - Dave Gaskell Ohio - Julie Roche CUA - Casey Morean FIU - Pete Markowitz CSULA - Konrad Aniol Nathan ------ BCM offset for low current runs: SHMS 16738-16746 HMS 16727-16737 - applied a 30nA offset - seems to work better for HMS than SHMS, SHMS looks like it would need a slightly larger offset - Runs 12144-12154 have LT that vary widely, for these the HMS is more reliable than SHMS, but the SHMS rate is 10x the HMS rate - based on this Dave prefers to use the offset that works best for HMS - GH is less convinced, since for the 16xxx runs the HMS and SHMS rates are comparable, so GH would prefer to find a compromise offset between HMS and SHMS - in the end, it probably won't make much difference between 30nA and 50nA Next steps: - For Runs 12181-91 will play a bit more with the offset, will be ~150nA - then do a BCM2 quadratic term check - calculate uncertainties in I,Q_beam for each run by propagating uncertainties in calib offset in slope with the specific current used in each run Junaid ------ PionLT Heep offset study - beam energy for 7.9 GeV in standard.kinematics was not updated - using an average of two Arc energy measurements - shows result of OOP offset fit, needed to apply an estimated systematic uncertainty (0.0014/Pshms) to get the chi-square/dfm near 1 - Dave: need to use Mark's calculated beam energies at Hall C target, the Arc energy measurement gives an average value in the Arc, corresponding to about the middle of the Arc. Mark calculates the synchrotron radiation from the center of the Arc to the pivot, you need to subtract this number from the Arc measurement to get the pivot energy value - the difference is negligible for energies < 8 GeV, but grows quickly with energy above this, particularly for 10-11 GeV beam - Mark's table is at: - updated report template files and BCM2 for current Next steps: - moving on to HMS Cer, Cal electron efficiencies - waiting on GH to redo in-plane offsets Vijay ----- - no report, working on last parts of thesis Alicia ------ BSA analysis - in contact w/ B-G Yu re. Regge model calcs - specifically looking for theory calc for our bin-by-bin kinematics - hoping to distribute a draft manuscript to this group next week Ali --- piDelta analysis - finished Q2=3, W=2.32 shape study and extracted BSA - two settings left, Q2=3, W=3.14 and Q2=2.1 - hoping to have results in 1-2 weeks - also working on parts of thesis Nacer ----- Low Q2 KaonLT - setting up SIMC for first time - had to do some tweaks to get ROOT conversion program to work - recon script updates, these are experiment specific, not part of SIMC package - Dave's code changes for ALMA9 OS change Next steps: - need to apply beam energy, angle and momentum offsets and check that they're implemented corectly - then move to Heep yields and Data/MC ratios Stephen ------- Discussion about pending change of iFarm to ALMA9 OS - a lot of hcana stuff is based on older version of ROOT - a good option would be to keep an older copy of ROOT on group disk - also need to confirm which version of Python is needed - a good path forward would seem to take the Hall C RH7 container and get things set up in there - people can ssh to ifarm9 (ALMA9 interactive node) now to check what breaks - Stephen, Nathan, Junaid and Nacer will work together on this and report back to group next week