Jun 19/24 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes ---------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH) Today: PionLT will be discussed first Please remember to post your slides at: https://redmine.jlab.org/projects/kltexp/wiki/Kaon_LT_Meetings Present ------- Regina - Garth Huber, Muhammad Junaid, Nathan Heinrich, Vijay Kumar, Zach Sullivan Ohio - Julie Roche FIU - Pete Markowitz Virginia - Richard Trotta CUA - Tanja Horn Junaid ------ PionLT Heep Offset Studies - tested adding or subtracting momentum and beam energy offsets to resolve sign ambiguity in how they should be applied - 5.98GeV: positive sign offsets work better than negative sign - all energies shown, up to 10.54GeV. + works better than - sign - compare observed Data-MC shifts compared to predicted by GH's program - overall, the shifts are closer to predicted by GH's program, sometimes even better than predicted (which is allowed since the program is based on the mean values only, and not the full distribution) - then fixed momentum and beam energy offsets to +sign, and flip sign of in-plane angle offsets - + works better than -sign - Richard: his momentum offsets were -sign, angle offsets were added - Richard will discuss this more with Junaid next week - Richard: observes that 10.54GeV EM, PMZ distributions too broad compared to MC, the lower energy distributions look more similar - showed plots from his analysis, originally SIMC was much too narrow in comparison to data, wasn't using recon_hcana script. Using the script, SIMC dists broadened and looked more similar to data - two possibilities to check: - does standard.kinematics have correct particle masses for 10.54GeV setting? - is recon_hcana script using correct particle masses? - Richard and Junaid can discuss this more next week too, if needed Next Steps: - Heep yield ratio study - will use Richard's LH2 boiling factors initially Zach and Nathan --------------- PID efficiency studies vs ELREAL rate - as a reminder, the normalized yields were not flat w/rate, the purpose of this study is to see if this is caused by the PID cuts - results shown for HMS efficiencies vs ELREAL, SHMS plots in progress - HMS carbon Cherenkov efficiency vs ELREAL rate fairly flat, only goes to ~20kHz - efficiencies very close to what Junaid calculated - error bars miscalculated, used Gaussian errors, in process of switching to Binomial errors - HMS carbon Calorimeter efficiency vs ELREAL rate also flat ~99.8% Next Steps: - finish SHMS efficiency studies, use Binomial errors - assuming this study rules out the PID explanation on the observed rate dependence, the next step would be to replay the low current data w/different current cut in hcana, that's almost certainly the problem Richard ------- KaonLT LT-separations, Q2=5.5 setting - trying to find a better parameterization that works at this Q2 - one issue is that the t-range is larger than at lower Q2 - looking to get good starting paramters that work over a broader range of t - hoping to have some initial Q2=5.5 results by next week - will meet with GH after SoLID meeting on Saturday afternoon to discus more Vijay ----- Low Q2 PionLT systematics studies - radiative flag ON/OFF in SIMC - extract new sigL, sigT after 2 iterations and compare to L,T with flag ON - calculate deviation in sigL, sigT for each t-bin - sigT on average more sensitive than sigL, particularly for lower t-bins, however the deviation in sigT fluctuates and t-dependence not entirely clear - deviation in sigL seems to be more similar between t-bins - Tanja: would like Vijay to compare plots of data & MC with flag ON/OFF - it would also be good to compute deviations in LT, TT Next Steps: - will vary spectrometer acceptance cuts (xptar, yptar, delta) - suggest to do one spectrometer at a time - look at the distributions first to determine a sensible variation in the cuts, also consult older theses to see what they did Next Meeting ------------- - Next meet: Thur June 27 @ 15:00 Eastern/13:00 Regina - KaonLT will go first