Jul 11/24 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes ---------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH) Today: KaonLT will be discussed first Please remember to post your slides at: https://redmine.jlab.org/projects/kltexp/wiki/Kaon_LT_Meetings Present ------- Regina - Garth Huber, Alicia Postuma, Nathan Heinrich, Zach Sullivan, Nacer Hamdi, Muhammad Junaid, Vijay KUmar CSULA - Konrad Aniol JLab - Dave Gaskell FIU - Pete Markowitz Virginia - Richard Trotta CUA - Tanja Horn Ohio - Julie Roche Vijay ----- Low Q2 PionLT Systematic Studies - SHMS acceptance cuts +/-10% - delta, xptar, yptar changed together - variations in L,T,LT,TT are small - Dave: you should change the cut in each variable one at a time - want to treat the uncertainties in each variable as uncorrelated, and then add them in quadrature - changing all variables simultaneously implies the 3 quantities are correlated - *NB* this means 6 changes in total for each spectrometer - changing sigLT functional form in LT-fit - Exp/MC ratios at high epsilon have a pronounced cos(phi) dependence - will modify functional form to see effect - currently have sigLT=(A*exp(Bt)+C/t)*sin(theta*)*g(W) - the C/t term was not in functions used in prior papers, will try just C as a fit constant Richard ------- High Q2 KaonLT LT-fitting - using sigL=(P1+P2*logQ2)*exp(P3*t), sigT=(p5*(t/Q2-1))*exp(P6*t) - using same sigLT equation as Vijay - will show only 1st iteration for all settings - will concentrate on lower -t region now to try to get a good fit, but will need to do full t-range later for K-pole tests - given these caveats, initial sigL,T shown for: Q2=2.115,W=2.95 Q2=3.0,W=3.14 Q2=5.5, W=3.02 - will look at replacing (t/Q2-1) term in sigT with (t/Q2-P7) - Dave: Exp/MC ratios have some weird sin(phi) dependence, implies something very weird is going on, not just an interference function issue - Garth: suggests doing a few more iterations and plotting P1-P6 vs Q2 to see what kind of Q2-depenence results - *NB* then use this info as feedback for what kind of fuctional form to try - Henk and GH used this approach in Fpi-1 pi-/pi+ analysis and it was useful Alicia ------ pi+ BSA analysis - some comments have been received on the paper. <10% of collaboration has responded - shows slides for Monday's presentation for comment Nacer ----- KaonLT Heep Exp/MC ratios - *NB* will try modifying Heep model in SIMC to see if this helps higher beam energies - GH will send the routine that Bill used in his thesis Nathan and Zach --------------- PionLT Lumi Studies - HMS, SHMS carbon scans 16738-16746 - changed BCM offset by 9nA (0.025uA -> 0.034ua) and low current dependence looks flatter now - reduced chi-square is calculated for different fits of rel.yield versus beam current - adding a slope results in overfit (too small chi-square), while a flat line fit gives chi-square closer to 1 (although as low as ~0.5 for some plots) - *NB* conclusion is that carbon scans look good and flat. GOOD NEWS!! - HMS LH2 scans 16703-16712 - high current point is much lower than the others, there is at least 1 outlier, maybe two - would imply little boiling at low current, with significantly more boiling at 80uA - no fits to rel.yield versus beam current are good, chi-square bad for both flat fit and linear drop - investigating possible problems: - Total Live Time (TLT) shows linear drop to 92% at 120 kHz - CPULT also drops linearly, but is ~80% at low rate instead of ~100% - need to recheck how CPULT is calculated, might be including DTM events - Dave: you should be able to form CPULT for different trigger legs - *NB* this used to be in the report files, take a look at an old version of the template for the calculation - SHMS LH2 scans 16759-16764 - larger errors than the HMS scan but looks similar - notably, the highest 80uA point is an outlier here too (although perhaps not by as much) - GH: *NB* suggest to add a small quadratic term to fit versus current - since both spectrometers see similar behavior, it might be real - Dave: target fan speed seemed to change a lot in early 12 GeV expts, makes a big difference to the LH2/LD2 boiling, so that's why different early experiments repot large variation in observed boiling - Tanja: *NB* Josh did a study of target characteristics versus fan speed, try to get a copy of his report - 2021 Lumi scans - Zach starting to set up for doing the 2021 scans - Nathan reports that the analysis script should hopefully work for 2 spectrometer singles runs, as it is based off Richard's original script - it would be helpful to see how different the results are, partly to establish the systematic uncertainty in the Lumi scans - Coin Lumi scans were also taken in PionLT - Nathan's old code would have to be fixed for these studies Junaid ------ PionLT HeeP studies - results for all 9 settings shown - includes offsets from Garth and Nathan's BCM calib - Richard has sent new version of recon_hcana script, will check if this makes any changes - 5.988 GeV energy Exp/MC distribution comparisons look quite good - 6.399 GeV Ratio<1 by about 1.5 sigma - 7.942 GeV Ratio=1.118 - 8.483 GeV Ratio=1.147 - 9.177 GeV Ratio=1.261 - 9.884 GeV Ratio=1.156 - 10.547 GeV Ratio=1.232 - clearly a systematic trend to the ratios (with some noticeable fluctuation) - rechecking error calculation on the ratios - proton absorption correction not yet implemented to Exp yields, but this is expected to make the ratios worse - there is an issue with 2 of the Dummy Target runs - very small number of events after replay - got same answer for both RH7, ALMA9 versions of hcana - gets a map warning when doing replay, consulting w/ Mark Jones on this Next Meeting ------------- - Next meet: Thur July 18 @ 15:00 Eastern/13:00 Regina - PionLT will go first