Jul 18/24 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes ---------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH) Today: PionLT will be discussed first Please remember to post your slides at: https://redmine.jlab.org/projects/kltexp/wiki/Kaon_LT_Meetings Present ------- Regina - Garth Huber, Ali Usman, Alicia Postuma, Nathan Heinrich, Vijay Kumar, Zach Sullivan, Nacer Hamdi FIU - Pete Markowitz JLab - Dave Gaskell Virginia - Richard Trotta York - Stephen Kay Nathan & Zach ------------- iFarm issues, still dealing w/bugs related to ALMA9 migration, changes to Python syntax, etc. - Richard is making updates to LTsep package for new hcana version - Richard's goal is to have everything working before Aug 20, when the last RH7 node disappears - Junaid has posted isntructions on RedMine about ALMA9 setup Richard ------- - Gave a talk on Lumi analysis @ NPS meeting that you might want to look up - https://indico.jlab.org/event/866/contributions/14917/subcontributions/227/attachments/11518/17830/Trotta_NPSTalkLuminosityAnalysis_2024.pdf - Dave also gave a talk on SIMC at this meeting you might find useful https://indico.jlab.org/event/866/contributions/14917/subcontributions/228/attachments/11515/17826/simc_nps.pdf - Suggested that Nathan give a talk on BCM Calibs @ Quarterly Analysis Meeting - Stephen has made a note of this. The meeting is planned for early Sept. KaonLT LT-separations - changed functional forms (based on Fpi-2 experience) SigL=p1*QfacL*tpole*exp(-p6*|t|) where QfacL=Q2/(1+1.77*Q2+0.12*(Q2**2)) - the 1.77, 0.12 factors are from Fpi-2, they would eventually have to be changed for KaonLT SigT=p5*QfacT*exp(-p8*|t|) where QfacT=exp(-(Q2**2))/Q2 SigLT=p9/(1+Q2)*exp(-p10*|t|) SigTT=p13/(1+Q2)*exp(-p14*|t|) - looking at Q2=3.0,W=3.14 with new functions - note that sigT has no t-dependence - *NB* ratios at low epsilon indicate that adding a t-dep to sigT would probably be helpful, maybe of the form (A+B*exp(-C*|t|)) Vijay ----- - also dealing with ALMA9 issues, things are now working and doing replays for detection volume systematic uncertainty study - tried changing functional form for LT, TT - oscillations in ratios did not change much - *NB* will need to try a different change to LT, TT, probably with a stronger t-dependence Ali --- - away last week in Quebec - before he left, finished piDelta BSA analysis which Alicia showed in her talk - GH suggested that Ali show plots of asymmetry vs phi for all settings at next meeting - BSA systematic uncertainty studies not yet done (mostly cut dependence) - GH had suggested to also do HGC-cut dependence study - would compare a tighter cut to nominal cut, not a looser one - Need to inquire on status of piDelta theory calcs, none were yet available last year - will check first with Stefan Diehl if he is aware of any developments Alicia ------ - summarized updates to pi+n BSA paper based comments from co-authors - CLAS-6 also showed Q2-dependence of BSA, but over a wide integrated x-range - theirs was primarily to show change in sign from t-channel to u-channel - need to clarify that ours is for specific xB, which is new - also summarized PRL justification text and list of potential referees - additional comments just received from B-G Yu, paper likely won't be submitted until week of July 29 Nacer ----- KaonLT Heep yield comparison - recently finished 6.2, 8.2 GeV - earlier, had done 3.8, 4.9, with Data/MC ratios near 1 - 6.2 GeV ratios simiar to Richard, but 8.2 GeV ratios are somewhat different - 8.2 GeV: - *NB* small issue with plotting script, ratios are not quite constant - Data/MC=1.127, while Richard had 1.28 - appears to be good news, but we need to understand what's different - analysis uses a modified script based on Richard's old one - uses Richard's LH2 boiling correction - still analyzing 10.6 GeV data - *NB* will meet with Richard offline after both are done to compare numbers and see what's different Next Meetings -------------- - Thur July 25 @ 15:00 Eastern/13:00 Regina - Dave will take notes - KaonLT will go first - Special Time: Wed July 31 @ 15:00 Eastern/13:00 Regina - PionLT will go first