Aug 15/24 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes ---------------------------------------------- (Notes by Dave and Alicia) Today: PionLT will be discussed first Present ------- DG, Junaid, Nathan, Nacer, Zachary, Alicia, Richard, Ali, Pete Junaid ------ Showed Heep Em/Pm distributions vs. raster y and x. - After flipping sign on raster y calibration constants, correlation is greatly reduced (XEM2 also had to flip the sign). - Still some small remaining correlation. - DG suggests flipping sign on raster x calibration also - might impact reconstruction due to "ExtTar" corrections. Zachary and Nathan ------------------ Lumi scans from 2021. - Able to look at C and LH2 for 2nd scan, but only LH2 from 1st scan due to report output issues. - Scan 2: - Carbon yields are flat for all quantities (scalers, events w/out tracking, tracks). - LH2 scalers look "ok", but other qunatities show anti-boiling. - Total live time looks not plausible for some cases - DG suggest just using simple computer live time for 1st pass. - Scan 1: LH2 shows similar anti-boiling here. Nacer ----- Looking at 8.2 GeV Heep data. - Large DATA/SIMC ratio (1.122+/-0.006). - Observed strange shape in HMS yptar distribution in data - excess at larger yptar. - Tried to look at that region to see if there are some strange backgrounds. Interestingly, when just looking at events from radiative tail, the yptar distribution looks more reasonable. - DG notes that he's seen similar issues in the DIS data from 2022-2023. - Suspect matrix element problem (we are using new matrix elements fit in 2018). - Higher HMS momentum settings that use Jacob's matrix elements look better. - DATA/SIMC ratio likely not due to this yptar issue - DG is suspicious of the large dead time from the EDTM. - Suggests looking at computer live time again. Richard ------- Shows results from his analysis of same Heep data. - Has even large DATA/SIMC ratio (~1.2), but this is likely due to smaller 3/4 efficiency in SHMS (Richard sees ~92%, whicle Nacer sees ~97%). - Need to determine the origin of this difference between Richard's and Nacer's analyses. At this point, Dave had to leave. Alicia takes notes for rest of meeting. - Richard/Nacer will meet this week to discuss discrepancies between their results - Suggestion from Dave/Ali to compare EDTM vs CPU live times - EDTM LT drops to 90% for the 8.2 GeV run period, otherwise is stable around 99% - Correcting EDTM should bring this point in line with the rest of the data - Still need to add error bars Plots of sigL, sigT, sigLT, sigTT vs -t - Same plots as last week with addition of Q2=4.4, W=2.74 setting - Currently working on Q2=3.0, W=2.32 - New setting shows same general trends, but with some large outliers from previous fit functions - All settings normalized to W=3.0. W=2.74 may be too far away to normalize without better understanding the W-dependence (higher order terms may be required) - Suggestion from Ali to split data into two sets, with mean W=3.0 (3.14, 3.02, 2.95) and W=2.5 (2.32, 2.74) - Meta-analysis post-publication of Q2, W-dependence etc may be very interesting Alicia ------------- - BSA paper still under review - No update, studying for comprehensive exam Ali -------------- - No update, writing thesis - Expect next updates in a few weeks Next Meeting ------------------ - Thur Aug 22 @ 15:00 Eastern/13:00 Regina - KaonLT will go first