Sept 12/24 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes ----------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH) Today: KaonLT will be discussed first Please remember to post your slides at: Present ------- Regina - Garth Huber, Nathan Heinrich, Alicia Postuma, Vijay Kumar, Nacer Hamdi, Muhammad Junaid, Ali Usman Ohio - Julie Roche JLab - Dave Gaskell Virginia - Richard Trotta CUA - Tanja Horn, Casey Morean FIU - Pete Markowitz Alicia ------ pi+ BSA paper Referee comments - general interest criterion: - need to modify title (both editor & referee A) - some parts too technical, reword or move definition earlier - Tanja: stress importance of confirming CLAS measurements w/ different systematics - improve discussion of theory vs data agreement - Tanja: change from discussion of models, to discussion of the physics represented by the models - *NB* with improved data and models, we can make a more definitive statement than prior works on the approach to the GPD regime - GPD regime not reached yet, as the GPD model does not describe data well - interestingly, there is a non-perturbative model that encapsulates the major features of the data - modify figure to make syst uncertainties more clear - Dave: *NB* remove cap on outer error bar - Tanja: if new figure is not an improvement, include it in a note to the referee, so they're aware we tried - comment on backgrounds - pion purity - side study using HGC w/hole cut, detector efficiencies - overall, fairly optimistic on eventual acceptance - expecting a new draft for comment in 1-2 weeks Richard ------- KaonLT LT-separations - plot of Data/MC ratio per t-phi bin for high, low epsilon data combining all settings - ratios are 0.1-0.5 with some variation - will try reproducing Vijay's data using RT's code, hoping to find what the problem is - has run# for center setting from Vijay, replaying data now Vijay ----- Next steps for low Q2 pi+ LT-separations - setting up SIMC for ALMA9 - first step is to understand why HMS detection volume cut dependence is so large - then Q2=0.42 data - Fpi extraction will wait until other studies done (proton absorption, systematics) - shows LT-separations from thesis - had changed LT,TT functions from last update - sigLT increased further at lowest t-bin when changing bin - ratios flatter than last update, particularly at low -t - *NB* ratios still have some oscillations for higher -t bins, indicates that t-dependence in LT,TT functions still not right Ali --- piDelta BSA analysis - shows new MM plots per t-bin, Q2=2.1, W=2.95 - plots are for thesis, asking for feedback - Delta shape comparison: (Data-Bkd)=RED, Delta MC=BLUE - agreement is pretty good in main peak region, but divergence is larger on edges - Red is integrated for BSA, not the Blue - Garth: should make sure integration region is where Red and Blue have good agreement - MM cut values: 1.11-1.40 - *NB* need to overlay these on the plots to check this more clearly Nacer ----- KaonLT Heep analysis - Data/MC ratios too large after applying proton absorption correction - updated John Matter's materials table for proton abs calculation - removed NGC - adapt values for actual aerogel thickness - obtain absorption factors: 3.8+4.9 n=1.030 7.02% 6.2+10.6 n=1.015 6.30% 8.2 n=1.011 6.09% - review of proton correction method in W.Li's thesis (originally developed by Henk Blok) - plot of MMp @ 3.8 GeV - data and SIMC agree up to 0.02 - data tail grows past 0.02, disagreement w/MC degrades - MC tail slope gets steeper past 0.04, while data is more steady - analyzing with tigher MMp<0.02 cut gives 5% lower Data/MC ratio - *NB* Dave: it's important to choose one cut and apply it. Keep the analysis simple. Don't apply both EMiss and MM cuts at same time - shows SHMS-beta plot for Heep events & compare to Bill's data - Dave: beta trigger is set up differently now, pretty sure you won't get the tail as in 6 GeV era - Dave: *NB* SHMS-beta distribution looks weird, need to check variable beta-p for corrected variation in TOP across focal plane - tries replicating Bill's proton absorption correction method - get fraction ~95%, so no big change from full factor in J.Matter thesis - Bill did have a tigher MM cut than Nacer - next steps - Dave: *NB* suggests to simplify the situation by looking at single arm Heep to see if Data/MC ratio is 1 or not - if Heep singles OK, it indicates the problem is with the proton arm in Coin - if Heep singles NOT OK, problem is with the electron arm or beam normalization Junaid ------ PionLT Heep analysis - Data/MC ratios w/ and w/o MM cut, to eliminate pi0 contamination - HMS matrix element check - discovered that param files using "standard" HMS ME for ALL settings, no special ME being used for P_HMS>5.5 GeV/c - tried using KaonLT ME for P_HMS+6.59 for 10.5 GeV data - subtle differences from standard ME, slightly better Data-MC agreement, but nothing dramatic - Dave: a student is working on P_HMS=5.78 GeV/c MC - Julie: will check who is working on ME from NPS data - Tanja: *NB* take a look at the slides at: - slide 12 gives a useful list of who is working on which ME - P=5.639, Julio Gil Guiterrez & Abhyuday Sharda - P=5.878, Josh/Christine - P=6.117, Josh Crafts - P=6.667, Christine Ploen - issues w/ Hodo-3/4 effs - looking at hcana code, tried removing PID cuts, got same number - Dave: *NB* for your preliminary Heep yields, try using a high efficiency for now, we will eventually get the effs high as expected - should be ~99% except for runs w/ low momentum in quartz plane - MJ: *NB* we should be able to fix Heep ratios if we solve problem with 3/4 trig effs - Nacer also sees too-low 3/4 effs in KaonLT data, so it seems there's a common cause for both analyses, the Heep singles analysis that Dave suggests will make this more clear Nathan ------ PionLT luminosity studies - preparations to look at 2-arm daq ratios from SIDIS lumi scan - modifying analysis sript, not there yet Next Meeting ------------- - Thur Sept 19 @ 16:30 Eastern/14:30 Regina - PionLT will go first