Oct 17/24 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes ---------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH) Today: PionLT will be discussed first Present ------- Regina - Garth Huber, Alicia Postuma, Muhammad Junaid, Nathan Heinrich, Vijay Kumar, Ali Usman, Nacer Hamdi, Argha Das JLab - Dave Gaskell CSULA - Konrad Aniol CUA - Tanja Horn Virginia - Richard Trotta Ohio - Julie Roche Nathan ------ - working on random subtractions on PionLT Coin Lumi data, no report yet Junaid ------ PionLT pi+ PID study, 5.9 GeV setting - applied Aero>3.0pe and 1.299.5%, vs 92-97% before - shows plots of Data vs SIMC under various conditions - no cuts - CoinTime, HCer, HCal, MMp(exclude pi0)<0.1 GeV - after cuts, EM, PM, W data distributions are much closer to SIMC prediction - Jule: there is a deviation "small extra bump" of data around PM~0.1 GeV/c not seen in the simulation - Dave: Mark Jones recently reminded that in his VCS analysis, there was a low W facture anomaly that he resolved in a modified tracking algorithm - changed how clusters are defined, more candiate tracks per event, better selection of "best track" in event - There are four main changes. Each can be turned on/off separately by parameters. In the end, the VCS analysis used them all. - *NB* see Mark's presentation posted on RedMine: MJones-HCANA_DC-update.pdf - Mark added output to the root tree that makes it easier to understand the clustering and tracking which is not documented in the slideshow (though hinted at it at the end) - *NB* GH will see if Mark can give a summary of it at our next meeting - Data/MC ratios w/o proton absorption: - 0.992-1.011 +/- 0.007, almost no beam energy dependence - Garth: Nacer had looked earlier at the SIMC elastic model dependence, which is 2-5%, depending on Q^2 KaonLT Heep-SINGLES analysis - HMS electrons: 3.8 GeV, P_HMS=2.026 GeV/c - Dave: PMX,Y,Z,PM,EM not defined in hcana for singles events - W shows an enhancement at the Delta mass in data, apply 0.9