Oct 31/24 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes ---------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH) Today: KaonLT will be discussed first Present ------- Regina - Garth Huber, Muhammad Junaid, Alicia Postuma, Nathan Heinrich, Nacer Hamdi Virginia - Richard Trotta Ohio - Julie Roche Richard ------- KaonLT function fitting for LT separation -- short update from France - wrote some scripts to fit each t-bin separately, and use the variation of parameters with #t-bin to see which function yields more consistent parameters, and hence is a better function to use - considering slight changes to sigT, sigL unchanged - using sigTT from Marco's thesis (was best in last report), sigLT unchanged - script does 2 iterations with each version - picks the one with best chi-square out of all functional forms, for each t-bin - loops over Q2=3.0,W=3.14 and Q2=4.4,W=2.74 settings for now - still at France workshop next week, will show results in 2 weeks, expecting to see some improvements in ratios Alicia ------ Geant4 simulation for proton absorption correction - just started setting up the code Nacer ----- Heep singles for KaonLT - setting up SIMC for 4.9, 6.2, 8.2, 10.6 GeV settings - selecting runs matching COIN data - want to introduce Mark's tracking updates (see last meeting) before next replay Junaid ------ PionLT pi+ PID - updated CT offset to put peak at zero, also RF offset to put peak at 1 - previously, the peak was slightly shifted, fixing this gives ~200 more pi+n events at Ebeam=5.98, 7.94 GeV settings - in contact with Stephen re. TOF corrected RF time - code was pushed, but not merged into main branch - very curious plot of piCT vs RF for one setting - strong correlation of piCT vs RF seen - is this expected, or an indication of an incorrect TOF correction? - GH thinks the tilt indicates CT peak could be made narrower by removing the correlation - Nathan skeptical whether TOF correction is worthwhile to look at - GH thinks it's worth a brief look, hopefully it's not a wild goose chase Updated HMS optics - new 6.5 GeV/c matrix elements implemented and pushed - new 5.9, 6.1 GeV/c ME appear to be available Aerogel efficiencies - n=1.011 tray with >2.5pe cut gives 97.5% efficiency - Richard gets similar numbers - Ali shows a plot from his thesis, Aerogel efficiency vs Run# for all settings - efficiencies vary 98-100% Nathan ------ PionLT Coin Lumi studies - unfortunately no plots today, ran the wrong script by mistake - will combine carbon and LH2 data for all singles settings to get more accurate boiling correction Next Meeting ------------- - Thur Nov 7 @ 16:30 Eastern/15:30 Regina - PionLT will go first - GH will be in Ottawa then, not sure if he can attend or not