Nov 7/24 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes --------------------------------------------- (Notes by Dave Gaskell) Dave didn't remember whose turn it was to go first, so picked PionLT at random. Nathan ------ Showed luminosity scan slopes from carbon singles for each scan separately, and for all scans combined. Slope consistent with zero, offset close to 1.0 LH2 slopes show a lot of variation, one scan shows anti-boiling. Some scans have obvious outlier points. Will go back and investigate source of outliers and variations. Junaid ------ No plots this week, working on report for thesis committee. Ali --- No report this week. Working on thesis - will restart analysis after writing is done. Alicia ------ Busy with coursework after comprehensive. Starting the GEANT4 work on for proton absorption in the SHMS. Paper is with editors after receiving two reports. Nacer ----- H(e,e')p singles. The SHMS elastic peak (data) looks pretty strange/bad for the 10.6 GeV running (P_SHMS=-8 GeV). Could it be a saturation issue? If the resolution tuning correction is on, it might be worth trying to turn it off. Some discussion about offsets and which ones were used. Nacer realized that he may not have applied offsets consistently for all settings.