Kaonlt-Pionlt Meeting Notes Date: 2024-12-12 --- Attendees: - Regina - Alicia Postuma, Nacer Hamdi, Vijay Kumar - JLab - Dave Gaskell - CUA - Tanja Horn, Casey Morean - Virginia - Richard Trotta - Ohio - Julie Roche --- Discussion Points: Vijay - Cache Issues: - Read-only access for changes to the cache is causing problems. - Recommended procedure: 1. Use jput to move data to tape. 2. Use jget to retrieve data to cache. - Relevant Python code: GitHub Link. - Note: Code needs jget addition for full functionality. - Vijay will update file paths to address these changes. --- Nacer - HeeP Singles Analysis Update: - Incorporated corrections for dummy target subtraction, charge normalization, etc. - Dave's Comments on Analysis: - Avoid applying cuts to ytar; SIMC cannot perfectly match. - A potential real ztar offset may explain discrepancies in ytar plots. - SHMS 10.6 GeV: - Like Nacer, Dave observed a consistent -5% discrepancy in HMS 2022 data, which required an ad hoc 1.5 mrad angle offset for correction. - Currently investigating similar SHMS 2022 data. - Suggestions for improving ratios (2-3% target range): 1. Combine a small angle offset (~0.5 mrad) with improved boiling corrections. 2. Test boiling corrections using Dave Mack's scaler studies (~2.5% boiling effect from online runs). 3. Review boiling data from Dave's compiled Excel sheet. --- Alicia - GEANT Update: - SHMS detectors, including windows and trays, implemented in simulations. - Simulations now functional for selected particles. - Next Steps: - Enhance GEANT simulation further. - Integrate real kinematics. - Referee Comments: - Working on addressing reviewer feedback. - Updating formatting before resubmitting to the collaboration for review. --- Richard - t-range: Adjusted from 0.15-0.6 to 0.16-0.6. - Binning Scheme: Changed to 5 bins in t and 10 bins in phi. Increased the number of events per bin. - Outcome: Significant reduction in pion leakage for the lowest t-bin. - Upper t-range: Need to reduced from 0.6 to 0.5 to address high-background issues in the highest t-bin. - Functional Forms: Now adjusting L and LT terms, in addition to T and TT terms. --- Announcements: - Dave and Julia will not attend next week's meeting due to Holidays. The meeting may be smaller.