Dec 19/24 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes ---------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH) Today: KaonLT will be discussed first Present ------- Regina - Garth Huber, Nathan Heinrich, Ali Usman, Nacer Hamdi, Vijay Kumar JLab - Dave Gaskell CUA - Tanja Horn Virginia - Richard Trotta FIU - Pete Markowitz Vijay ----- Setting up for Q2=0.42 L/T-separations - setting up the analysis code, most things done - keeping the code in different places for Q2=0.38, 0.42 - not yet pushed to GitHub - most data replayed, had timeout error for some runs, submitting jobs for these by hand Richard ------- Q2=3.0, W=3.14, SHMS center only LT-separations - Data/MC ratios now closer to 1, but oscillations between 0.7-1.3 - made changes to iteration script - not dividing out the W-dependence, fitting full yield including W-dep - Bill (and GH pi- analysis) had divided out the W-dependence to reduce the dynamic range of the yields, so iterations would be more stable - with the W-dependence in, now hitting more local min/max in chi-square optimization, makes iteration process more complicated - GH; do you fix any parameters and fit a smaller set (i.e. for sigT fix p7-p9 and fit just p5-p6, then after p5-p6 optimized go back and fit p7-p9 in an repetitive process?) - Richard: no, but can do this going forward - L,T,LT seem to have correct functional form now, still trying to find a good function for TT - pi+ contamination in lowest t-bin has been corrected - sigT still has steep rise at lowest t-bin, but not as steep as before - shows MMk plot for high epsilon, center SHMS Nacer ----- KaonLT Heep Singles analysis - testing different boiling factors - Mack: 2.5%/100uA (scaler) - Vijay: 5.3%/100uA (track) - Richard: 7.9%/100uA (track) - only did test for HMS/SHMS singles, SHMS 10.6 is still high - hopefully Nathan's Lumi analysis will settle issue of what is the correct boiling factor to use Next steps: - will start moving back to K+ production data - all data replayed - shows MMk for low epsilon, center SHMS setting - region underneath Lambda peak is fairly flat - GH: try comparing Lambda, Sigma SIMC distributions to the data Ali --- No report, working on thesis Alicia ------ Info given by GH in her absence - made good progress on Geant4 simulation for proton abs correction - an issue still with S2 quartz plane, will try switching physics process to Cherenkov - hoping to have results within a week of returning from New Brunswick Nathan ------ Reports done for grad class, will return to Lumi analysis - will be able to make a decent set of boiling plots soon (see Nacer's discussion) Next Meeting ------------- - Thur Jan 2 @ 16:00 Eastern/15:00 Regina - PionLT will go first - main agenda item will be to review first drafts of slides by Richard, Vijay, Ali