Jan 9/25 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes --------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH) Today: PionLT will be discussed first Present ------- Regina - Garth Huber, Ali Usman, Alicia Postuma, Nathan Heinrich, Nacer Hamdi, Vijay Kumar Ohio - Julie Roche JLab - Dave Gaskell Virginia - Richard Trotta FIU - Pete Markowitz Nathan ------ PionLT luminosity studies - plots of singles scaler yield vs current and rate - correlation with rate is much clearer than vs current - HMS scalers give nice straight line vs current - ELLT checks done, now get 2.8%/100uA slope for LH2 boiling - apply this boiling corr to SHMS, HMS scaler yields and replot vs rate - get a slope of 3.8%/MHz, consistent for both HMS and SHMS - interestingly, without the LH2 boiling correction, the HMS has a different rate dependence due to the lower rates at high current. When the LH2 boiling corr is applied, HMS and SHMS look pretty consistent - *NB* need to confirm whether 3/4 or ELREAL rate is used on x-axis - took difference of global fit slope and individual settings, with statistical error removed in quadrature, as an estimate of the systematic uncertainty - obtained +/-0.7%/MHz - *NB* will apply this rate correction to Carbon Lumi data to confirm there is no anti-boiling - can adjust low current offset slightly if needed if anti-boiling is found - Dave: this suggests there is a source of DeadTime that we're missing - we see it in scaler analysis, so it would have to be in the trigger legs, not FADC or CPU - most likely culprit would be the 3/4 trigger - *NB* Carlos did find some anomalously high DeadTimes, Dave Mack did a study in response. Take a look at: 1. Dave Mack's presentation on explaining the larger than expected dead time from Carlos' data: https://hallcweb.jlab.org/doc-private/ShowDocument?docid=1063 2. Casey's application of this calculation: https://misportal.jlab.org/ul/publications/downloadFile.cfm?pub_id=20620 Page 88 or so. - Julie: in your plot vs rate, is there any indication of a flat part at low rate? - need to recheck low current offsets first - don't think the evidence is compelling - Coin Lumi vs rate and vs current - *NB* plotted vs COIN rate, but if the DeadTime is in the trigger leg, it needs be the equivalent 3/4 rate integrated over both arms - expecting studies to be wrapped up in 1-2 weeks - *NB* Richard, Vijay should apply Nathan's rate dep to their Lumi data and see what they get Alicia ------ BSA revisions, PLB vs PRC - journal length limits are very different - will prepare revisions assuming PLB and then see if can address the referee comments in that limit, or if we need PRC length instead Nacer ----- KaonLT yield scripts - found that MM is shifted ~50 MeV compared to SIMC - still trying to figure out what is wrong - Garth: suggests to start by checking standard.kinematics, since it must be something substantial - *NB* Ali (better suggestion): maybe there is a typo in the kinematic offsets, and they are off by an order of magnitude - *NB* Garth: suggests to compare to online MM plots at https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Kaon_LT_Status_Page#Kaon_LT_Physics_Status_at_Ebeam_.3D_3.8.2F4.9_GeV - these were generated with the online version of standard.kinematics, so the comparison might eliminate some possibilities - online analysis script integrated a region around the Lambda MM so it would have been noticed quickly if the Lambda peak was shifted by 50 MeV then For the rest of the meeting, we reviewed draft presentations by Richard and Vijay Next Meeting ------------- - Thur Jan 16 @ 16:00 Eastern/15:00 Regina - KaonLT will go first - we also need to check if people's availability has changed after Jan 16, or if we can keep this time until daylight savings time change in March