Jan 16/25 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes ---------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH) Today: KaonLT will be discussed first Present ------- Regina - Garth Huber, Alicia Postuma, Nathan Heinrich, Vijay Kumar, Nacer Hamdi CSULA - Konrad Aniol FIU - Pete Markowitz Virginia - Richard Trotta CUA - Tanja Horn Ohio - Julie Roche Richard ------- KaonLT analysis - would like to start looking at Q2=4.0, Q2=3.0, W=2.32 which are at same xB - Q2=3.0, W=2.32 still looks weird, very early early SIMC iteration - sigT>sigL which is fine, but sigL<0 which is not fine - R=Data/MC ratios ahve large decreasing trend with t - not shown, but apparently also the variable comparos do not look good - it's important that both the variable dists and R look good - will spend more time on Q2=3.0, W=2.32 iterations - GH: it is not unlikely that you will need a different parameterization for the settings near W~2.3 compared to those with W~3.0 Vijay ----- PionLT Q2=0.42 analysis - fixed timing offsets - double checking PID cuts - will have to deal with same issue as at Q2=0.38, which is low HMS momentum at low epsilon - promises some data plots for all 3 epsilon next week - then will make new diamond cuts and start SIMC simulations - Note: Q2=0.42 is a total of 11 settings, while Q2=0.38 had 12 settings Alicia ------ Quick update on Geant4 proton absorption code - issue w/ S2Y quartz plane, zero energy deposition - Cherenkov rather than scintillation process - need to manually specify index of refraction of material vs wavelength - have index indep of wavelength now as a placeholder - still no energy deposit, but getting nonzero NPE, still investigating Nacer ----- KaonLT Q2=0.50 analysis - now Background (Dummy and Random) subtracted - then subtract small pi+ leakthrough - looks very clean underneath Lambda and Sigma peaks after subtraction - further investigations of cause of MMk shift between data and MC - was loading the wrong offset files, consulted with Ali - switched to correct offset file, but shift is worse now, 50 MeV vs 40 MeV - also gbeam.param file was 2019 instead of fall 2018 values - also compared to online MMk plot - at this point we realized that it is SIMC that is in the wrong spot, not the data (silly us) - Lambda(MC) is at 1.16 instead of 1.1156 - *NB* need to apply recon.hcana after SIMC, so that MMk reconstruction is same between data and MC https://github.com/trottar/simc_gfortran/tree/fall_2023_kaon_xsects/recon_hcana run.simc.tree runs recon.hcana after SIMC - Note added on Friday, Nacer identified source of problem - was using Junaid's version of recon.hcana which had hardcoded pi+ mass instead of K+ mass, this would give a ~50 MeV shift in the correct direction Nathan ------ PionLT Lumi Analysis - uncertainties now included correctly in boiling correction - also has rate dependence vs 3/4-Rate instead of ELREAL - obtains a slope in scaler analysis of 2.9+/-0.2%/MHz - some discussion about the combinatoric ELLT spreadsheet by D.Mack - this gives a better calculation of ELLT than the simple exponential dependence with rate - was applied to pre-KaonLT data which had less reliable EDTM and needed to use CPULT and combinatoric ELLT - we need to see if after applying the combinatoric ELLT Nathan's rate dependence slope becomes flat(ter?) - For both KaonLT and PionLT, EDTM is reliable for COIN and 1 arm Singles, but not combined HMS+SHMS Singles runs - we will have to think carefully on whether we need to apply a rate correction or not, it is important for Nathan to do more investigations of the Coin Lumi runs to sort this out - *NB* Nathan will look at combinatoric ELLT spreadsheet and try to globally understand things Next Meeting ------------- - Thur Jan 23 @ 15:30 Eastern/14:30 Regina - PionLT will go first