Jan 30/25 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes ---------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH) Today: KaonLT will be discussed first Present ------- Regina - Garth Huber, Nacer Hamdi, Nathan Heinrich, Vijay Kumar, Muhammad Junaid, Alicia Postuma, Ali Usman JLab - Dave Gaskell CUA - Tanja Horn Ohio - Julie Roche FIU - Pete Markowitz Vijay ----- Q2=0.42 PionLT data analysis - showed timing plots for low, mid, high epsilon - showed diamond plots for Q2=0.42 and 0.38 - t-phi plot for Q2=0.42, but needs to apply a diamond cut to properly represent the experiment acceptance - working on total effective charge calculations - background subtracted yields after cuts in progress - preparing SIMC input files for Q2=0.42 We discuss the need to carefully select what analysis code and data that has to be attached to future publications, per new policies. a) All articles published in Physical Review journals will now include a statement detailing where data required to support or replicate the claims can be accessed. This policy took effect January 1, 2025. Previously, APS encouraged, but did not required authors to include statements detailing where readers could access data, code, and other source materials. Now, authors must select one of several pre-scripted data availability statements. Authors who do not provide public data must explain why, and if asked, share their data privately with referees and editors. b) Nathan (coming from JLUO Board meeting) says that similar language will be added by DOE to the new JLab contractor agreement. JLab will be required to store such code and data, JLab management is in the process of coming up with a policy on this. Conclusion: This is something to keep in mind once we start drafting new KaonLT/PionLT articles. i.e. We should consider the best place to post data and code for sharing, and exactly what we choose to share. Junaid ------ HMS matrix elements update - NPS group has finalized new HMS-ME for 5.9, 6.1, 6.7 GeV/c - still working on 5.6 GeV/c ME - they have also determined new 0th order (theta, phi) corrections offsets the claim is that sieve data plots are improved - Junaid will put them in touch with Stephen re. being added to agenda of next Quarterly Analysis Meeting - status of old low momentum HMS ME - Julie says lots of low momentum sieve data were taken and new ME offsets were refit. Angles done, delta fitting still in progress The concern was that the NPS magnet would have an effect at low HMS momentum, it appears the effect is small but the data can be used to improve the low momentum ME - Tanja contacts Josh, who replies: the 2018 low momentum matrix should be as is at this time. He says that the idea is now to re-fit that matrix with the new methods developed, but none of that has happened - Junaid will folllow up with Josh on this - rerunning Heep coin data for GH determine new kinematic offsets - then will test Nathan's new LH2 boiling and ELLT factors - should also include Alicia's proton absorption correction Alicia ------ Extended discussion of referee comments on BSA paper - it seems that some confusion was due to the referee mis-interpreting the purppose of the paper. - need to concentrate a bit less on the comparisons between data and models (since neither work really well), and more on testing the onset of hard-soft factorization (i.e. the data aren't there yet) - Alicia will circulate to this group more info from BG Yu on their models, so we can better evaluate some of the text the referee questioned Proton absorption MC - will defer this discussion until next week Nathan ------ PionLT Lumi studies - implemented DMack's ELLT and comparison of different methods Blue: TLT=CPULT*ELLT Red: TLT=EDTM - SHMS Carbon 16738-16746: looks very flat for scaler, notrack and track (blue) which is very good news - rates up to 200 kHz @ highest current - SHMS LH2 16759-16764: scaler is flat, but notrack and track show boiling - Nathan's LH2 boiling number should be used: 2.8%/100uA, stat unc: +/-0.17%, syst unc: 0.69%(seems large, will recheck) - Nathan will do some more check and then apply to COIN Lumi to check if TLT=CLULT*SHMS-ELLT*HMS-ELLT is consistent w/ TLT=EDTM After that, this study should be done Nacer ----- KaonLT Q2=0.50 MC/Data normalization - changed SIMC to new model, found no big change - GH will meet with Nacer on Monday to compare SIMC results for same setting Next Meeting ------------- - Thur Feb 6 @ 15:30 Eastern/14:30 Regina - PionLT will go first