Feb 20/25 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes ---------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH) Today: PionLT will be discussed first Present ------- Regina - Garth Huber, Alicia Postuma, Muhammad Junaid, Nathan Heinrich, Vijay Kumar CUA - Tanja Horn JLab - Dave Gaskell Virginia - Richard Trotta FIU - Pete Markowitz Ohio - Julie Roche Junaid ------ Implications of updated HMS optics matrix elements - reply received from Mark re. optics offsets - for P<5.5 GeV/c, use phi_offset=0 for HMS, phi_offset=-8.6E-10 for SHMS - Dave: the SHMS offset is so small that you can simply use zero for it - GH reran the global Heep in-plane offset analysis for 9 settings - beam energy offsets are a bit smaller than before (with old ME), momentum and angle offsets are similar - comparo Data to SIMC Heep distributions: - W distributions look good - various discrepancies between EM and PM components - highest beam energy (10.55 GeV) is worse than the others - we also note that the beam energy offset at 10.55 GeV has a strange value compared to the others, the other 8 are all negative >-0.4, while the highest energy setting is positive +0.4 (the max value allowed by the arc energy measurement uncertainty) - this setting has P_HMS=5.878 GeV/c - Dave: the optics angle offsets for this momentum have been fit, but not yet delta, there might be a residual saturation effect causing the different behavior compared to the others - suggests that GH try fitting offsets where the angle offsets are the same as the other 8, but P_HMS offset is allowed to vary separately by a larger amount - Tanja and Julie confirm that the delta offsets are in progress, hopefully will be done "soon" Next steps: - Heep Data/MC yield ratios Nathan ------ Gave some feedback following his talk at WNPPC - people were intrigued by the Proton Spin Crisis, but were not familiar with it - this was mentioned as part of the motivation for GPDs and studying the applicability of hard-soft factorization - we need to be more proactive in motivating our work to a broad audience Richard ------- Continued work on KaonLT L/T-separation - changed Wfac to 1/(W^2-M^2)**(polynomial) where W_cent is used instead of W varying for every bin - this made things easier, particularly the W distributions (not shown) - initial results shown for Q2=4.4, 5.5 with this parameterization - Q2=4.4, ratios now show a t-dependence - Q2=5.5, only t-bins, statistics are poor - sig_L,T,LT,TT trends vs -t are similar for both settings - results are very preliminary, magnitudes of cross sections don't make too much sense yet, negative sigT in some places - encouraged that same polynomial form can be used for both settings - Garth: in particular for Q2=5.5, where data are sparse, suggests to fix the non-dominant terms in the parameterization during iterations and only letting the most important terms float Next steps: - will try to have sig_L,T,LT,TT results for Q2=3.0, 4.4, 5.5 using same parameterization by next week Vijay ----- Q2=0.425 PionLT analysis - shows diamond cut, looks good - tried applying Q2=0.375 model in SIMC to Q2=0.425 - getting negative weights, diagnosing problem - a bit of a surprise, since the kinematics of the two settings are so similar - Garth: maybe you have hard-coded some W_cent or Q2_cent in the code that needs to be updated for the new setting? Next steps: - after SIMC, will look at t-binning - as was mentioned last week, will try 7 bins instead of 8 Alicia ------ BSA paper modifications - implemented changes per referee comments - new title: Probing Hard-Soft Factorization via BSA in exclusive pi+ electroproduction from the proton - revisions reviewed by GH, who suggested rearrangement of material in intro - the rearrangement is intended to more closely focus the intro to the new title - proposed deadlines: - circulate draft by EoB Feb 21 - comments due back no later than Mar 3 - Tanja suggests to circulate not only to this group, but to all co-authors, since most comments will come from this group anyways - also suggests to include Alicia's document on the referee comments at the same time - 2 emails to go out: - all co-authors: PDF of paper and referee comments - this group: OverLeaf link - intending to submit to PLB by mid-March Next Meeting ------------- - Thur Feb 27 @ 15:30 Eastern/14:30 Regina - KaonLT will go first