Mar 6/25 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes --------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH) Today: PionLT will be discussed first Present ------- Regina - Garth Huber, Ali Usman, Muhammad Junaid, Alicia Postuma, Nacer Hamdi FIU - Pete Markowitz JLab - Dave Gaskell Ohio - Julie Roche Virginia - Richard Trotta CSULA - Konrad Aniol Junaid ------ PionLT Heep Studies - using global offsets presented last week - Data/MC ratios using Nathan's LH2 boiling factor - MM cut applied to exclude pi0, same cut value for all settings - R=0.89-1.020, average value ~0.95, which is MUCH better than earlier analysis - will have to apply Alicia's proton correction (~5%), and Nathan's final rate corrections (undetermined but will be small). With these applied, the ratios will be quite close to 1 - Dave: intrigued by varying ratio for the three 6.395 GeV settings, variation from mean is about +/-0.05, which is much larger than the statistical error - we look at the setting kinematics, no obvious trend with anything - pHMS is not in saturation region - Dave: one Heep setting has evidence of a shift in HMS-delta between Data and MC (P_HMS=3.7 MeV, theta=31.6) - this might indicate that the swap in calculating offsets between theta_cent and P_cent is not quite right - we look at another setting to see if there's a consistent trend P_HMS=3.8 MeV, theta=29.7 setting showed no HMS-delta shift even though the setting kinematics are very similar - Garth: from everything he's seen, there appears to be a certain amount of non-reproducibility from one setting to another. For example, when returning the spectrometer magnets to a previous field, the currents usually differ by 1A or so from the previous value. It might be something along these lines - Dave: the beam energies are different between these two settings, and those are independent energy measurements, so that is a more likely source - Julie: we should take a look at the Heep setting with R=0.88 - this shows no evidence of a shift, just a normalization difference - JM: will check if any bad runs were included by mistake - some discussion whether any further optimization is needed of Heep cuts - Dave: the difference between data and MC left of the W peak is due to mismodeling of resolution in SIMC. It's not experimental background and these events should not be removed as they're valid events Next steps: - started working on Q2=3.85, W=2.62 physics setting with 2 epsilon points - param files updated and pushed to GitHub Alicia ------ Discussion about BSA PLB updates - already started entering the article metadata in the journal server - created a Mendeley Data Repository for spreadsheets of numbers and other info that will be cited from the paper - planning to submit no later than Monday Nacer ----- KaonLT Q2=0.5 analysis - working on t-binning, some jobs still running so no plots to show yet - some discussion about binning strategy - Richard: absolute minimum of 1000 events per t-bin, 2000 is better - Garth: it would be great if we could get 5 t-bins, no need for many more than this, it would be better to instead have more phi bins - will start with 10 phi bins Richard ------- KaonLT Q2=4.4, W=2.74 LT-separation - did some checks to resolve the sigT<0 for lowest t-bin - found that this bin had significant pion contamination - raised lower limit of bin from 0.35 to 0.40 to remove pion background - as a result, sigT is closer to zero now for this bin - upper limit of this bin was unchanged at 0.85, will raise it higher as well so the bin has more statistics, and then will do some iterations - Garth: a bit surprised that the fit (red) curves for LT, TT don't go to zero as -t -> -tmin even though the functional form has sin(theta*) dependence - Richard: over the t-bins, theta*=22-31deg - Garth compares to 6 GeV data, where theta*=2-13deg - maybe it's a kinematic effect at the higher energy, but it's a bit surprising that theta* is so large for the lowest t-bin - Richard will check Next Meeting ------------- - Thur Mar 13 @ 16:30 Eastern/14:30 Regina - KaonLT will go first - NOTE: on Mar 9 USA moves to DST, so we will need to move to 16:30 Eastern/14:30 Regina for the period March 13-April 10 - after that, we can return to 15:30 Eastern for the convenience of our USA colleagues