Mar 13/25 PionLT/KaonLT Analysis Meeting Notes ---------------------------------------------- (Notes by GH) Today: KaonLT will be discussed first Present ------- Regina - Garth Huber, Alicia Postuma, Nathan Heinrich, Muhammad Junaid, Ali Usman, Nacer Hamdi, Vijay Kumar Ohio - Julie Roche CUA - Tanja Horn Vijay ----- Update on Q2=0.425 analysis - new plots with full statistics replay - CoinTime for 3 epsilon settings - Diamond Cuts slightly revised from last time - t-binning: - choose 7 bins, lowest 0.007-0.013, 0.013-0.016, ... - range is similar to Q2=0.375 - about 42k events/bin totaled over 3 epsilons - lowest epsilon has 5.6-8.3k per bin Richard ------- Can't attend, submits written report - checked eps_n_theta.f in calc_xsect.f to be sure correct masses are used - this is follow up to inquiry by GH that thetacm seemed very large (up to 60deg) for higher t-bins - so thetacm must really be this big - higher Q2 fitting - found a better function for sigT,TT which fixes the fits - Q2 and W distributions look good now but high t is a bit off - ratios also look good, Chi2<3 for all fits, so just trying to figure out what's going on with high t - Tanja will set up a meeting between RT, PM, GH to discuss strategy for the first K+ publication, strong desire to submit something by this fall Alicia ------ Proton absorption Geant4 simulation - fixed problem giving weird electron absorption values BSA PLB - Haiyan Gao is our editor, paper status says out for review u-Channel - replaying u-channel data and working on u-channel models in SIMC - more detiled report to follow Ali --- Thesis submitted to internal committee for final review before going to External Examiner - next steps: - will look again at t-binning, with goal to increase #bins for higher statistics settings - would also like to do unseparated pi+Delta0/pi+n yield ratio at high epsilon, integrated over phi - avoid phi binning because of very limited statistics, will need to do some systematic checks on phi-modulation integration to zero since not fitting TT, LT - no diamond cut (hence no L/T-sep) to avoid loss of statistics - plan would be for paper to include both BSA and pi+Delta0/pi+n ratio at high epsilon, since theory is so uncertain now that BSA data by themselves are an insufficient constraint, need an observable linked to yield - Tanja suggests to get some theory input on this strategy before proceeding, so that we are sure it will have impact Nacer ----- KaonLT Q2=0.5 t-binning - Lambda: 7 bins, from 0.065<-t<0.165 - ~15k events per bin at each epsilon - Sigma: 7 bins, from 0.095-0.205 - ~7k events per bin at each epsilon - Vijay: since some of the t bins are quite narrow, suggests to confirm the t-resolution using SIMC (i.e. t-ti) - for his pi+ data, t resolution sigma=0.001697 - Garth: suggest that both Nacer and Vijay make t-phi plots, to confirm that there is full phi coverage at one epsilon over the selected t-range Nathan ------ Plan is to wrap up PionLT Lumi analysis ASAP - LH2 boiling correction looks good - will apply this to COIN Lumi data and look for any residual rate dep - applying DM ELLT correction in cases where EDTM not applicable - aim is to see if there is any residual rate dependence that needs, if small an additional systematic error to be assigned, or if large then to be corrected - will write up a report on the final results, which can be included in thesis Junaid ------ - pass 3 replay of all PionLT data done and archived - finalizing checks before starting LT-separation - checking PID and other cuts, preparing dummy and random subtractions - Tanja: has cut dependence been studied yet? - yes, this was studied already last fall - Diamond cuts, t-phi binning to be decided Next Meeting ------------- - Thur Mar 20 @ 16:30 Eastern/14:30 Regina - PionLT will go first - NOTE: meetings start 16:30 Eastern/14:30 Regina from March 13-April 10 - after that, we can return to 15:30 Eastern for the convenience of our USA colleagues