Task #560
openCheck stability of cointime peak
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% Done:
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Updated by Stephen Kay almost 4 years ago
- Assignee changed from Richard Trotta to Stephen Kay
Updated by Stephen Kay almost 4 years ago
- File Q3W3p14left_lowe_CTPeakPlots.pdf Q3W3p14left_lowe_CTPeakPlots.pdf added
- File Q4p4W2p74left_lowe_CTPeakPlots.pdf Q4p4W2p74left_lowe_CTPeakPlots.pdf added
- % Done changed from 0 to 80
Scripts to plot this all done, just need to run it for every Kaon kinematic point (some still need some replays processed for this purpose).
Also need to create a short version to plot all kinematics on one plot to examine stability.
An example set of plots for a kinematic is attached.
Updated by Stephen Kay almost 4 years ago
- File KaonLT_Meeting_28_10_20.pdf KaonLT_Meeting_28_10_20.pdf added
- % Done changed from 80 to 90
Presentation for the KaonLT meeting on 28/10/20 attached. Description of the analysis and some example plots.
Just a few small pieces to wrap up and some decision on how to divide up blocks of runs and this will be complete.
Updated by Stephen Kay almost 4 years ago
- File CTPeak_Stability.pdf CTPeak_Stability.pdf added
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 90 to 100
Finished, report written up and new .param file created and uploaded to UTIL_KAONLT repo.
Report at -
Included in "KaonLT Technical Notes" section too.