



These are recent results of elastic calibration.

"coeff_npsSchm.txt" shows the calibration coefficients calculated using fadc sample amplitude .
The format in this file is <the current PMT number>:<coefficients>.

The calculation of calibration coefficients can be found here: or in Calculation_of_calibration_coefficients.pdf

Before calculating the coefficients, the following selections are applied:
1. Elastic event selections:
  • abs(H_react_z) < 4 // vertex selection
  • abs(H_gtr_dp-280*H_gtr_ph) < 2 && abs(H_gtr_ph) < 0.03 // 2D selections on dp vs. ph
2. Selection for the input fadc sample amplitudes:
  • (NPS_cal_fly_adcSampPulseTime[idata]-153) < 5 // selection on the fadc sample time
    Instead of 153, we used 157 for PMT number >=960 in run 1437-1442 and run 1504-1508 due to the shift of their timing

From the results of the last elastic runs, we found that the unsteady temperature in the calorimeter may affect the light yield of crystals and result in an effect on the calibration coefficients.
(see or "Results_of_3rd_elastic_calibration.pdf")

This effect has been verified with further studies by comparing the temperature of crystals from the archive to the start time of each elastic run.
(see or "Effects_of_temperature_on_elastic_calibration_coefficients.pdf")

Updated by Hao Huang 7 months ago ยท 15 revisions