


Pion LT Software Meetings » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Stephen Kay, 01/12/2021 05:13 PM) → Revision 2/36 (Stephen Kay, 02/01/2021 03:46 PM)


 h1. Pion LT Software Meetings 

 Pion LT software meetings. Please add your talk to the meeting ahead of time. Add the newest meeting to the top of the list! 


 h2. 01/02/21 PionLT Software Meeting 
 * Updates from the group 
 ** Stephen - Cointime peak script updates and fixes 
 ** Jacob - Issues with Demo2 cuts 
 *** Stephen thinks this may be due to lack of updating of the script after some changes Richard made, will investigate 
 ** Nathan - Hodoscope script issues, tracked down to .database file. Investigating fixes 
 ** Junaid - Software setup on Lark but python/root issues here, working on JLab account. Will investigate root compilation on Lark 
 *** Stephen raised that issue in getting root to compile isn't actually related to the python version used, other package/component causing issues 
 ** Ali - Working on improving report files and def files 
 * "Casey Presentation": 
 ** Discussion of process and software used by XEM experiment 
 ** Nice reference time script in place, will exchange with Stephen/Richard and see what can be merged with each 
 ** Structure and plan for analysis look similar to our own, will try to collaborate as much as possible on having a nice working set of software for online usage 
 ** Raised point of online BCM/BPM monitoring 
 *** Dave mentioned it would be nice to track the stability of the BCM/BPMs over the run period, at least once per shift produce a plot/document checking this 
 *** Stephen added that this could also track the prescale factors (reported vs calculated) 
 *** Investigate idea of a once per shift script that checks last X runs and produces plots above 


 h2. 12/01/21 PionLT Software Meeting 
 * "Stephen Presentation": 
 ** Discussion of analysis tasks and status as of 12/01/21. The non-annotated version of the notes is also available "here": 
 ** Homework for next week is the following - 
 *** Setup and try the batch calibration scripts and the python analysis script demo 
 *** For Stephen - Check with Brad regarding new area for files  
