



Alma9 Setup on ifarm

  • Compiled hcana with new root version (6.24.08-gcc11.4.0) located at the following path:
    -- For PionLT:
    -- For KaonLT:
  • Update your symlinks to the latest hcana version
  • First load modules by executing the following commands (add these lines to your batch scripts as well):
    module use /cvmfs/
    module load root/6.24.08-gcc11.4.0
  • Create a virtual environment by running the following command:
    python3 -m venv replay_lt_env
  • Source the environment (Need to source it during every login or cshrc. Add it to .login/.cshrc file):
    source replay_lt_env/bin/activate.csh
  • Install the following packages:
    pip install numpy==1.23.0
    pip install pandas wheel scipy root-numpy==4.8.0 root-pandas==0.7.0 uproot matplotlib
  • Copy the latest LTSep package from the following path (for PionLT):
  • To the following path:
  • Update the ltsep paths in your replay and analysis scripts
  • Copy the latest LTSep package from the following path (for KaonLT):
  • To the following path:
  • Update the ltsep paths in your replay and analysis scripts.

Once all steps are complete then test it by running analysis scripts.

  • Add the following to your .login
    # Setup virtual enviroment for pionlt/kaonlt
    cd /group/c-<pionlt or kaonlt>/USERS/$USER/
    module use /cvmfs/
    module load root/6.24.08-gcc11.4.0
    python3 -m venv replay_lt_env
    source replay_lt_env/bin/activate.csh
    pip install numpy==1.23.0
    pip install pandas wheel scipy root-numpy==4.8.0 root-pandas==0.7.0 uproot matplotlib
    cp -r /u/group/c-pionlt/USERS/junaid/share/ltsep_kaonlt replay_lt_env/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ltsep
    cd $HOME

Updated by Richard Trotta 7 months ago · 3 revisions