


Analysis How-To » History » Revision 12

Revision 11 (Richard Trotta, 04/30/2019 01:56 PM) → Revision 12/18 (Richard Trotta, 04/30/2019 01:56 PM)

h1. Analysis How-To 


 h2. How should I analyze data? 

 * Doing things locally will always be your best option for actual analysis.  
 ** Fork a repo of hallc_replay_kaonlt %{color:red}and% UTIL_KAONLT for your own custom version that you can play with 

 * Once you have forked the repo, clone hallc_replay_kaonlt to a local directory 
 <pre><code class="bash"> 
 $USER> git clone 

 * Now the tricky part, UTIL_KAONLT is a submodule of hallc_replay_kaonlt so some intermediate steps will need to be made 
 <pre><code class="bash"> 
 $USER/hallc_replay> git submodule --init --recursive 
 ** Check .gitmodules to make sure submod is listed 
 <pre><code class="bash"> 
 [submodule "UTIL_KAONLT"] 
      path = UTIL_KAONLT 
      url = 
      branch = <branchname> 
 <pre><code class="bash"> 
 $USER/hallc_replay> git submodule update --recursive --remote 

 * If HEAD is detached (check with git branch -a) 
 <pre><code class="bash"> 
 $USER/hallc_replay> cd UTIL_KAONLT 

 $USER/hallc_replay/UTIL_KAONLT> git branch -a 
 * (HEAD detached at ###) 

 * Check if head is really detached 
 <pre><code class="bash"> 
 $USER/hallc_replay/UTIL_KAONLT> git symbolic-ref HEAD 
 fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref 
 <pre><code class="bash"> 
 $USER/hallc_replay/UTIL_KAONLT> git remote update 
 Fetching origin 

 * Change to master branch 
 <pre><code class="bash"> 
 $USER/hallc_replay/UTIL_KAONLT> git checkout master 
 Switched to branch 'master' 
 Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master' 

 * Pull and check branch again, everything should be set! 
 <pre><code class="bash"> 
 $USER/hallc_replay/UTIL_KAONLT> git pull 
 Already up-to-date 

 $USER/hallc_replay/UTIL_KAONLT> git branch -a 
 * master 

 * Now that we have our repo locally we should set it up to pull from the “main” JeffersonLab version 

 * First check your remote “origin” repo (this is where you will push to) 
 <pre><code class="bash"> 
 $USER/hallc_replay> git remote -v 
 origin (fetch) 
 origin (push) 

 * Next lets set up the “upstream” which is the JeffersonLab repo (DO NOT push HERE) 
 <pre><code class="bash"> 
 $USER/hallc_replay> git remote add upstream 

 $USER/hallc_replay> git remote -v 
 origin (fetch) 
 origin (push) 
 upstream (fetch) 
 upstream (push) 

 * You will not be able to push to upstream unless you’re Stephen or me so don’t worry too much. Just be cautious. 

 * A similar procedure can be performed with UTIL_KAONLT 

 * Finally, let's talk about branches. Let’s add the develop branch to our local system… 
 ** First create a branch locally called develop and change to it 
 <pre><code class="bash"> 
 $USER/hallc_replay> git branch develop 

 $USER/hallc_replay> git checkout develop 
 M    UTIL_OL 
 Switched to branch 'develop' 

 * Now simply pull develop 
 <pre><code class="bash"> 
 $USER/hallc_replay> git pull origin develop 

 * To create a new branch you must first create it in github 

 * Then simply repeat the steps for setting up a branch from the previous slide 

 h2. Getting .dat files from tape 

 h1. Getting data from the MSS 

 * If *.dat for a particular run is not in /cache/hallc/spring17/raw follow the instructions below... 
 ** In /cache/hallc.spring17/raw type:  
 > jcache get /mss/hallc/spring17/raw/<YourRawFile>.dat 
 ** This will take a little while to process. You can check the status of your process by typing: 
 > jcache pendingRequest <JlabUserName> 
 *->More information on using jcache can be found at* 

 h2. Replaying 

 * Before we can analyze we must replay. This should be done in the farm to save yourself time and local cpu effort.    The easiest way is to do a batch job submission, but this comes with some prep work. 

 * Before a batch submission, I highly encourage two preliminary steps 
 ## Do all debugging of replays locally, once this works move to the farm 
 ## Once on the farm you have two options; your ifarm version or our group (discussed soon).    This is for final debugging purposes to assure everything works in the farm, then you can submit a batch job. Save the root files in /volatile/hallc/c-kaonlt/<USER> (note: volatile is NOT backed up) 

 * There is a batch script I have created and Stephen as changed with the help of Brad to assure it will not mess things up.    Again, I highly recommend the two above steps before moving onto this script or you will be wasting time and resources. 

 * Your final batch job submissions can be saved directly to tape. 

 h2. Group environment 

 * You can do replays under your farm directory or you can use our group environment. 

 * We have set up a group environment with a version of our repo that currently mimics the cdaq as close as possible (although an updated hcana is used). 
 ** This group environment is under /u/group/c-kaonlt 
 ** I have made a directory USERS which you can use for person replay scripts and environments. DO NOT change any replays that are not under USERS without contacting Stephen or me first. 
 ** There is an hcana already set up here, use this for any group replays. If you would like to use a different version of hcana please use your farm directory. If I find a hcana in USERS I will destroy it. 

 * You may have issues with hcana, make sure you are in the JLab software environment version 2.1 
 ** source /site/12gev_phys/softenv.csh 2.1 (or .sh if using bash) 

 * The group environment has a 100 gb quota and is backed up. This means two important things… 
 ## DO NOT save root files here! Ever! 
 ## It’s backed up so its good for important calibration work (*wink *wink) 

 * Upon the request of Stephen, any improper use of this environment will incur a penalty of one beer/bottle of single malt or an owl shift (depending upon severity). 

 h2. Writing to tape 

 * Writing to tape info, read - 

 * In your batch script, specify OUTPUT_FILE:/cache/hallc/kaonlt/USER/ROOTfiles/FILE. 
 ** Material in /cache is automatically copied to tape after some time if it is static 
 ** Small files (~1 MB) will not be backed up on tape 
 ** Once copied to tape, you can view the tape stub (NOT the file itself) under /mss/hallc/kaonlt/… 
 ** The tape does not handle overwriting well so if submit a job you must create a new "pass" directory… 
 *** -->jput ... file.root /mss/hallc/kaonlt/USER/ROOTfiles/pass1/ 
 ** The tape has FAR more space than we could get through so do not worry about "filling" it 
 ** Write to tape once you're happy with your code... just do it correctly 

 h2. Few more words of warning 

 * Do not write analysis to tape unless you are 100% certain it works correctly (and you don't want to repeat it very soon). 

 * For farm jobs some info is included below - 
 ** See for info on commands 	
 ** Do not set CPU above 1 (it will slow your job down in the queue and hcana is single threaded anyway so you gain nothing) 
 ** Farm/Auger project: c-kaonlt 
 ** For TEMPORARY output, write to volatile - /volatile/hallc/c-kaonlt/USER, this space is NOT backed up! 
 ** Specify the FULL path to this in your symbolic link 
 ** Make sure relvant directories are created 

 * You can use our work environment (/work/hallc/kaon), but this is not backed up and I will no be setting up an environment similar to group there. It’s a good place to put personal scripts if you don’t want to take up space in your farm directory.