Kaon-LT Experiment » History » Version 184
Garth Huber, 01/24/2025 06:41 PM
1 | 41 | Richard Trotta | {{>toc}} |
2 | 39 | Richard Trotta | |
3 | 15 | Richard Trotta | h1. *Welcome to the Kaon-LT redmine page!* |
4 | 5 | Richard Trotta | |
5 | 52 | Richard Trotta | ---- |
6 | |||
7 | 27 | Richard Trotta | h2. Overview |
8 | 26 | Richard Trotta | |
9 | 36 | Richard Trotta | The simplest strongly bound quark-gluon systems in nature are the two lightest quark-antiquark pairs, pions and kaons, and the two lightest three-quark systems, protons and neutrons - these also provide the building blocks for the atomic nuclei at the core of the atom. Gaining a quantitative description of the nature of these systems, including a revealing of their inner structure and an understanding of the dynamics that bind them, is thus of great importance for our understanding of the fundamental structure of matter. This experiment is aimed to confirm the potential of kaon measurements both for studies of the kaon structure itself and of the 3D structure of the proton, in terms of spatial imaging (tomography). In particular, E12-09-011 will probe if the measurements to map the spatial extension of the charged pion can be extended to those of the charged kaon, and if kaons can be utilized to enable 3D spatial tomography of strange quarks. |
10 | 37 | Richard Trotta | |
11 | 35 | Richard Trotta | The E12-09-011 experiment is an exclusive measurement of the L/T separated kaon electroproduction cross section important for understanding the role of strangeness in GPD studies and the kaon form factor. It will for the first time make precision measurements of the L/T separated kaon electroproduction cross sections as a function of Q2 above the resonance region. These data will provide information about the onset of the Q2 evolution in kaon production. A direct comparison of the scaling properties of the pion and kaon separated cross sections would provide an important tool for the study of the onset of factorization in the transition from the hadronic to the partonic regime, and provide a possibility to study effects related to SU3. The L/T separated cross sections at low –t can further provide constraints of the largely unknown kaon form factor. |
12 | 26 | Richard Trotta | |
13 | 51 | Richard Trotta | ---- |
14 | |||
15 | 1 | Richard Trotta | h2. Physics Motivation |
16 | 42 | Richard Trotta | |
17 | 30 | Richard Trotta | * "PAC Proposal":https://redmine.jlab.org/documents/37 |
18 | 182 | Garth Huber | * "List of Physics Channels available for Analysis":http://lichen.phys.uregina.ca/index_files/channels.html |
19 | 184 | Garth Huber | ** "Old Physics Analysis List":https://redmine.jlab.org/attachments/download/887/physics_list.pdf |
20 | 128 | Garth Huber | * B.Sc. Honours projects: |
21 | ** "t-channel Lambda Ratios":https://redmine.jlab.org/attachments/download/893/Lambda_Ratios.pdf |
22 | ** "u-channel Eta Ratios":https://redmine.jlab.org/attachments/download/894/Eta_Cross_Sections.pdf |
23 | 51 | Richard Trotta | |
24 | 139 | Richard Trotta | ---- |
25 | |||
26 | 28 | Richard Trotta | h2. Collaboration |
27 | 42 | Richard Trotta | |
28 | 29 | Richard Trotta | * [[Spokespersons]] |
29 | 28 | Richard Trotta | * [[Collaboration List]] |
30 | * [[Mailing List]] |
31 | 1 | Richard Trotta | |
32 | 51 | Richard Trotta | ---- |
33 | |||
34 | 119 | Richard Trotta | h2. Meetings |
35 | |||
36 | 172 | Garth Huber | * [[Kaon LT Meetings]] |
37 | 119 | Richard Trotta | * [[Hall C Commissioning Analysis Meetings]] |
38 | 140 | Richard Trotta | * [[SIDIS Meetings]] |
39 | 119 | Richard Trotta | * "Detector Working Group Meetings":https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Detector_Working_Group_Meetings#Detector_Working_Group_Meetings_in_2017 |
40 | 135 | Richard Trotta | * "KaonLT Slack Page":http://kaonlt.slack.com/ |
41 | 178 | Muhammad Junaid | |
42 | 119 | Richard Trotta | |
43 | 113 | Richard Trotta | h2. Running Essential Information |
44 | 70 | Richard Trotta | |
45 | 108 | Richard Trotta | * [[Run Plans and Run Sheets]] |
46 | 1 | Richard Trotta | * "Kaon LT Status":https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Kaon_LT_Status_Page |
47 | 85 | Richard Trotta | * [[Expert Checkout]] |
48 | 70 | Richard Trotta | * "Beam Schedule":https://www.jlab.org/exp_prog/experiment_schedule/2018/20180108.2a.pdf |
49 | * "Pre-run Checklist":https://redmine.jlab.org/documents/40 |
50 | 82 | Garth Huber | * Instructions for Shift Takers: "KLT-specific":https://redmine.jlab.org/documents/41, "General":https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Information_for_Shift_Takers |
51 | 70 | Richard Trotta | * "Shift Schedule":https://misportal.jlab.org/mis/physics/shiftSchedule/?experimentRunId=HALLC-FALL-2018 |
52 | * "Sign Up for Shifts":https://misportal.jlab.org/mis/apps/physics/shiftSchedule/index.cfm?experimentRunId=HALLC-FALL-2018 |
53 | * "Analysis How-To for Cdaq":https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Analysis_How-to |
54 | 47 | Richard Trotta | * Hall C How-Tos: "1":https://hallcweb.jlab.org/document/howtos/ , "2":https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/How-to |
55 | * "Hall C Wiki":https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page#Hall_C_Links |
56 | 67 | Richard Trotta | * "Hall C Operations Manual":https://redmine.jlab.org/documents/38 |
57 | 65 | Richard Trotta | * Hall C Documents "1":https://hallcweb.jlab.org/doc-private/DocumentDatabase , "2":https://hallcweb.jlab.org/safety-docs/Fall2018/ |
58 | 60 | Richard Trotta | * "Contact Experts":https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Experts_on_call |
59 | 1 | Richard Trotta | |
60 | 56 | Richard Trotta | ---- |
61 | 53 | Richard Trotta | |
62 | 63 | Richard Trotta | h2. Data Analysis |
63 | 181 | Garth Huber | |
64 | 121 | Richard Trotta | * [[Analysis Tasks]] |
65 | 115 | Richard Trotta | * [[Analysis How-To]] |
66 | 141 | Richard Trotta | * [[List of Hall C Replay Variables]] |
67 | 155 | Richard Trotta | * "Kaon LT Replay Git Repo":https://github.com/JeffersonLab/hallc_replay_kaonlt |
68 | * "Kaon LT Analysis Git Repo":https://github.com/JeffersonLab/UTIL_KAONLT |
69 | 156 | Richard Trotta | * "L/T Separation Software":https://github.com/billlee77/omega_analysis |
70 | ** see Sec 4.2 of https://misportal.jlab.org/ul/publications/view_pub.cfm?pub_id=15234 for description |
71 | 162 | Richard Trotta | ** Bill's LT Analysis 2018 Tutorial Slides-> attachment:Bill_LT_Analysis_Tutorial.pdf |
72 | ** "Bill's LT Analysis Tutorial Video 2022":http://lichen.phys.uregina.ca/~huberg/kaon/LT_tutorial_20221109_1920x1080.mp4 |
73 | 163 | Garth Huber | ** Garth's slides #1 attachment:LT_sep_iterations.pdf |
74 | 164 | Garth Huber | ** Garth's slides #2 attachment:LT_sep_parameterization.pdf |
75 | 55 | Richard Trotta | * "Hall C Logbook":https://logbooks.jlab.org/book/hclog |
76 | 64 | Richard Trotta | * "Kaon LT Logbook":https://logbooks.jlab.org/book/kaonlt |
77 | 70 | Richard Trotta | * "Logbook for Analysis":https://hallcweb.jlab.org/elogs/Commissioning+Experiments+Analysis/ |
78 | 72 | Richard Trotta | * [[Online Replay Histograms]] |
79 | 77 | Samip Basnet | * [[SIMC results for comparison]] |
80 | 102 | Richard Trotta | * [[Golden SIEVE runs]] |
81 | 88 | Richard Trotta | * "Heep rate runs and analysis":https://redmine.jlab.org/issues/422 |
82 | 95 | Richard Trotta | * "Physics runs and analysis":https://redmine.jlab.org/issues/423 |
83 | * "Luminosity scan runs and analysis":https://redmine.jlab.org/issues/424 |
84 | 100 | Stephen Wood | * [[Single Spin Asymmetry Analysis]] |
85 | 110 | Richard Trotta | * [[High and Low Epsilon Comparison]] |
86 | 150 | Richard Trotta | * "DEF-file Structure Breakdown of Directories and Files":https://redmine.jlab.org/attachments/1224/DEF-file%20Breakdown%20-%20Sheet1.tsv |
87 | 152 | Richard Trotta | * "Target thickness data":https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3481139 |
88 | 167 | Richard Trotta | * [[Hall C Raster Information]] |
89 | 176 | Richard Trotta | * [[Globus File Sharing]] |
90 | 179 | Muhammad Junaid | * [[Alma9 Setup on ifarm]] |
91 | 151 | Richard Trotta | |
92 | 51 | Richard Trotta | ---- |
93 | 120 | Stephen Kay | |
94 | 137 | Richard Trotta | h2. Technical Notes |
95 | |||
96 | * [[KaonLT Technical Notes]] |
97 | * [[Other Technical Notes]] |
98 | |||
99 | ---- |
100 | 138 | Richard Trotta | |
101 | 120 | Stephen Kay | h2. Resources |
102 | |||
103 | * "Hall A & C Data Analysis Workshop June 2018":https://redmine.jlab.org/projects/podd/wiki/Workshop2018 |
104 | * "Analysis Workshop Summer 2017":https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page#Data_Analysis |
105 | 130 | Tanja Horn | |
106 | |||
107 | * Salina' pion projections |
108 | 132 | Tanja Horn | ** "Slides from APS 2017 meeting":https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3730713 |
109 | ** "Collection of plots and scripts":https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B29LA4_GivE0a0c2LUNqSzRORVU |
110 | 159 | Richard Trotta | |
111 | ---- |
112 | |||
113 | h2. PionLT |
114 | |||
115 | * "PionLT Redmine":https://redmine.jlab.org/projects/hall-c/wiki |