


Kaon LT Meetings » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Richard Trotta, 07/16/2018 11:21 AM) → Revision 2/990 (Richard Trotta, 07/16/2018 12:01 PM)


 h1. *Kaon LT Meetings* 


 h2. February 22, 2018 

 *Links to talks->* "Andres": 

 *    Discussion of Andres' slides on elastic W calculation in hcana - initial issue with negative W values seems to be due to outdated information in standard.kinematics file. Additional investigation ongoing. 
 * Brief description of Samip's work - working on coincidence timing decoding with JLab staff and re-optimization of kinematics 
 * Discussion of Richard's slides on run plan kinematics and preparations - 
 ** everyone agrees that in general want to have as many L/T cross section separations as possible in a robust run plan balancing statistics vs. systematics 
 ** before actual run may want to do a 3D optimization in all kinematic variables to get the best possible delta(epsilon) for the L/T separations 
 ** for each setting will need 1-2 shifts for calibrations - need to negotiate with other experiments in run group 
 ** kinematics plots W-Q2 show that still need to do some optimization 
 ** run sheets: include raster size, update coincidence count labeling, and carbon target labeling 
 * Discussion of next meeting. Garth at JLab 8-16 March - might have meeting during that time. 

 * *Action Items:* 
 ** Post slides/notes from this meeting and procedure to set up hcana in Redmine (Tanja) 
 ** Update run sheet and kinematic optimization for W/Q2 (Garth) 
 ** Circulate elastic calculations for kinematic settings (Samip) 
 ** Continue investigation of elastic data and run plan kinematics (Andres/Richard) 
 ** Test software installation instructions (Pete) 
 ** Draft email to JLab management about need for small angle beam pipe - need to have HMS minimum angle of less than 13 degrees for kaon L/T separations (Tanja)  



 h2. March 29, 2018 

 *Links to talks->* "Richard, ": "Samip": 

 * Details of adding points to fall run plan - will be ready sooner, likely in week of 4/1 (Garth, Samip, Tanja) 
 * Luminosity scans (Ryan, Andres, Richard, Pete) 
 * Macros, SIDIS analysis (Hem, Anashe) 
 * Elastic data (TBD) 



 h2. April 26, 2018 

 *Links to talks->* "Richard,": "Ryan, ": "Samip": 

 * Discussion luminosity scan analysis (earlier scan) - Richard 
 ** Shown is a scaler-based analysis using scalers from report file and from ROOT tree - the values are different, why that is has to be checked 
 ** Notes on efficiencies in report file: 
 *** DT (EDTM) is not electronic deadtime. Instead use for now 50ns* trigger rate for HMS and 100ns* trigger rate for SHMS 
 *** Cherenkov efficiency seems low (check if that is due to PID, thresholds, pi/e, etc) 
 *** Tracking efficiency needs to be checked 
 *** 3/4 trigger efficiency seems ok 
 * Discussion luminosity scan analysis (later scan) - Ryan 
 ** Fewer carbon runs than earlier scan 
 ** Shown is a tracking-based analysis using data from the ROOT trees 
 ** First results for carbon, LH2, and LD2, but efficiencies need to be checked 
 * SIDIS analysis - Hem 
 ** Shown is a data/MC comparison for different kinematic settings. Agreement in shape is very good. Normalization has yet to be applied. 
 ** Discussion about agreement in z and apparent offset - relation of this offset with spectrometer offset 
 * Analysis of exclusive events in SIDIS - Samip 
 ** Shown is a look at the first kaon events in exclusive limit of SIDIS data 
 ** Ongoing work on implementing coincidence time into tree 
 * Discussion of run plan, and in particular possible low Q2/low energy 
 ** Assume that kaon low Q2=0.4 already included - have kinematics with specified beam energies, if needed 
 ** For pion form factor and LT, have two possible settings that can use the prescribed beam energies: Q2=1.45 and 0.35 GeV2 - prioritize towards the higher Q2 as not as sensitive to offsets 
 ** Garth will put this together in a draft email 


 h2. May 10, 2018 

 *Links to talks->* "Hem":, "Richard":, "Ryan, ": "Samip": 

 * Luminosity Scans January 2018 (Richard) 
 ** Tracking-based analysis for Runs 1415-1423, .. for now focus on HMS, typical HMS S1X rates are < 
 ** Cuts applied: PID for electrons (Cer, Cal), acceptance (delta) 
 ** Efficiency calculation was investigated in detail and applied using scalers from trees 
 ** Results for carbon (normalized to 30uA) show large variation - need to understand 
 ** *Next steps:* 
 *** Double check calculation of computer lifetime, look for differences in TRIG and PRETRIG scalers 
 *** Check stability of pre-scale (Ryan saw changes within runs) 
 *** Check if detector calibrations for runs are implemented correctly 
 *** Analyze with Ryan's cuts 

 * Luminosity Scans April 2018 (Ryan) 
 ** Confirms Richard's earlier finding that scaler-based analysis is not reliable and that it's best to analyze event-by-event 
 ** Tracking-based analysis for runs 2073-2095 
 ** Cuts applied: PID for electrons (TOF, Cal, Chi2), acceptance (delta and angles), BCM4a 
 ** Included most recent detector calibrations in replay of these runs 
 ** Efficiencies from report file mainly, may need to update tracking efficiency implementation 
 ** Found that calculations of computer deadtime requires different set of scalers for runs from January to those from April 2018 
 ** Results show carbon yields consistent with unity within error (0.5% error bars), and boiling for hydrogen and deuterium 
 ** *Next steps:* 
 *** Check tracking efficiency 

 * *Global comments on Luminosity Scans (so far)* 
 ** April 2018 scans show hydrogen and deuterium target boiling on level of 3-4%, Carbon is consistent with no boiling, as expected - based on description, new targets are expected to have less boiling than those used previously, e.g. in FPI2. Double check this. 
 ** Efficiencies in report files need to be updated, e.g. CPU deadtime (Richard) 
 ** Check if BCM4a is the one closest to the target - get a map of the hall (Richard, Ryan) 
 ** Uncertainties on current 
 ** Detector calibrations 
 ** HMS vs. SHMS 

 * eK+ coincidence time from SIDIS Spring 2018 run (Samip) 
 ** Worked with Mark Jones on coincidence time calculation - now available in hcana (see Samip's 10 May 2018 email for more details) 
 ** runs used in this analysis: 3423 with Q2=3.1 GeV2 and W=2.78 GeV 
 ** Coincidence time spectrum shows peak separations >2 ns corresponding to different accelerator frequency 
 ** Missing mass spectra: Kaon peak clearly visible, also see pions even after cuts 
 ** Found that pions appear localized in phase space - seems to be due to end point in kinematic phase space 
 ** *Next steps:* 
 *** Look for a run with kaon momentum closer to 3 GeV/c (aerogel threshold is ~3 GeV/c for kaons for n=1.015) 

 * Yield normalized ratios from SIDIS (Hem) 
 ** Yield ratios of data to MC match well in shape, but normalization seems not quite right 
 ** *Next steps:* 
 *** Check if efficiencies, currents, run time etc. are taken into account correctly 



 h2. May 17, 2018  

 *Links to talks->* "Richard":, "Ryan":, "Samip": 

 * Luminosity scans (Richard, Ryan) 
 ** Carbon scan from April seems consistent with no boiling, LH2 and LD2 show deviation from unity, should check effect of EDTM events on efficiencies 
 ** Carbon scans from January (low rates) have large deviations from unity, in particular behavior at higher currents (>40uA), e.g. cpu dead time, that is not yet understood 
 ** discussion about pre-scale factors 

 * Discussion about Richard's script extracting and printing information from report files and trees including histograms 
 ** Add option for looking at yields with cuts on cointime, target window, and missing mass 
 ** Add option to look at real peak vs. background level 

 * H(e,e'p) kinematics investigation for fall run (Samip) 
 ** Optimal range is between electron angles of 17-20 degrees, time required ranges from ~1 hour at 17 degrees to ~3 hour at 20 degrees, other angles may be of interest for disentangling charge and current dependent effects 

 * *Action Items* 
 ** Luminosity scans at low rates from January (Richard) 
 ** Luminosity scans from April with corrected efficiencies, e.d. DT (Ryan) 
 ** H(e,e'p) and H(e,e') kinematics for upcoming Kaon LT run (Samip) 
 ** Kaon LT detailed run plan (Garth, Pete, Tanja) 
 ** Preparations, e.g. report files, diagnostic histograms and real time monitoring, shift worker instructions, optimization of trees (all) 


 h2. May 31, 2018 

 *Links to talks->* "Samip": 

 h2. June 28, 2018 

 *Links to talks->* "Richard": 

 * Ryan  
 ** resolving differences between his analysis and Richard's 

 * Richard 
 ** Discussed with Mark Jones and is cross checking his January luminosity scan analysis against Mark's. Realized that BCM calibrations (gains, offsets etc) are different - currently working on fixing that, presents current results - low curent point is ~10% below unity, discussion that this seems to indicate that BCM offsets are the issue as low current points would be most sensitive, is planning to also double-check the BCM calibration procedure - had discussion with Dave Mack at JLab 
 ** Presents a script developed for luminosity scans that determines yields for a run number input on command line. Discussion this could be good to adapt for kaon counting during experiment. 


 h2. July 11, 2018 

 *Ongoing Tasks->* #381 #382 #383 #384 

 ---- *Link to talks->*