



List of Hall C Replay Variables » History » Revision 4

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Richard Trotta, 07/01/2020 02:49 PM

List of Hall C Replay Variables

what-you-need = What you need:

ROOT 5.34/35+ gcc compiler (general)

source-codes = Source codes:

Located in src directory...

TDISMC_EIC.cpp : pion structure function with ep scattering at JLEIC
TDISMC_EICn.cpp : pion structure function with eD scattering at JLEIC
TDISMC_EICK.cpp : kaon structure function with ep scattering at JLEIC
cteq/ : cteqpdf.h and data based call files (c++ wrapper) cteq-tbls/
: nucleon PDFs table structure_functions/ : various regularization
form for pion SF/FF

how-to-change-inputs = How to change inputs:

Located in inputs directory...

kinematics.inputs : edit this document to change simulation kinematics
(e.g. number of events, x range, Q2 range, pbeam, kbeam)

All other constants are changed in src/TDISMC_EIC.h

↓ Below you can see the current kinematics inputs ↓

[source, ipython3]
!more inputs/kinematics.input


how-to-run = How to run:

*./ * : Final states...(pi/p, pi/n, k/lambda)

↓ Below you can see an example for a pion and neutron final state
simulation ↓

[source, ipython3]
!./ pi/n


Pion with neutron final state selected

Warning in <TTree::Bronch>: TLorentzVector cannot be split, resetting splitlevel to 0
Warning in <TTree::Bronch>: TLorentzVector cannot be split, resetting splitlevel to 0
Warning in <TTree::Bronch>: TLorentzVector cannot be split, resetting splitlevel to 0
Warning in <TTree::Bronch>: TLorentzVector cannot be split, resetting splitlevel to 0
Warning in <TTree::Bronch>: TLorentzVector cannot be split, resetting splitlevel to 0
Warning in <TTree::Bronch>: TLorentzVector cannot be split, resetting splitlevel to 0
Your kinematics: [xBj_min:xBj_max] = [ 0.001000: 1.000000]
Your kinematics: [Q2_min:Q2_max] = [ 1.000000:1100.000000]
Incident Ion Mass 0.93827 GeV
Incident Electron, Ion Momenta: 10.0000, 135.00 GeV/c | s_0 = 5400.1019 GeV^2
Warning in <TTree::Bronch>: TLorentzVector cannot be split, resetting splitlevel to 0
Warning in <TTree::Bronch>: TLorentzVector cannot be split, resetting splitlevel to 0
Total of 57310 events out of 500000 Trials ============================] 100 %
(int) 57310

root-and-lund-outputs = ROOT and LUND outputs:

In the OUTPUTS directory are the ROOT and LUND outputs for the
simulation for further analysis.

running-geant4 = Running GEANT4

Located in g4e_files/ directory...

./ : Will run the python script for the GEANT4 simulation
from the TDIS_lund.dat file : This python script will run
GEANT4 simulation for the lund file specified for detector='jleic' and

This code is maintained by Richard Trotta ().

Updated by Richard Trotta about 4 years ago · 4 revisions