VLD EPICS development » History » Revision 3
Revision 2 (Bryan Moffit, 02/06/2023 01:02 PM) → Revision 3/7 (Bryan Moffit, 02/06/2023 01:03 PM)
h1. VLD EPICS development
h2. Run the IOC
* log into hccoda@nps-vme4 from a terminal
ssh hccoda@nps-vme4
* execute startup script (located in $HOME/bin)
h2. Calibration test script
* log into hccoda@cdaql3 from a terminal
ssh hccoda@cdaql3
* execute calibration test script
cd $HOME/scripts/VLD
./vld_calibration_test [0,1]
> * Usage
vld_calibration_test.sh [0,1]
0: disable
1: enable
> * Script variable description
> > * *VLDSLOT*
> > > IOC Base name + VLD Slot number. This is defined by the IOC startup script. Currently vme4 for nps-vme4, and Slot17 for the VLD in that crate.
> > > Enum for random pulser setting
0: 700kHz
1: 350kHz
2: 175kHz
3: 87.5kHz
7: 5.5kHz
> > > Source to trigger pulser
0: always high (should be Periodic trigger),
1: random trigger only
2: FP_trigger
> > * *C0_LOW_MASK*, *C0_HIGH_MASK*, *C1_LOW_MASK*, *C1_HIGH_MASK*, etc..
> > > Connector channel enable bitmasks. E.g. to enable connection 0's channel 0 and 1,