Standard Algorithm » History » Version 2
Ole Hansen, 03/05/2018 03:15 PM
1 | 1 | Ole Hansen | h1. Standard Analyzer Algorithm |
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3 | 2 | Ole Hansen | 9 March 2007 |
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5 | 1 | Ole Hansen | The "standard analyzer" provides a generic event loop and analysis chain that will (hopefully) be sufficient for many nuclear physics analysis tasks. The event loop and high-level algorithm are implemented in the method "@THaAnalyzer::Process()@": of the class "@THaAnalyzer@": The standard spectrometer processing algorithm is implemented in the method "@THaSpectrometer::Reconstruct()@": of the class "@THaSpectrometer@": |
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7 | "@THaAnalyzer::Process( THaRunBase& run )@": carries out the following functions: |
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9 | * Open the CODA input file associated with the run using "@THaRun::Open()@": |
10 | * Open the ROOT output file if not already open. If the file is already open, but the filename has changed, close the old file and open a new one. |
11 | * Loop over all events in the CODA file. |
12 | * Skip events until the a prestart event is found. Extract the time stamp of the prestart event and call @Init(time_stamp)@ for every "@THaApparatus@": object defined in the @gHaApps@ list and every "@THaPhysicsModule@": object defined in the @gHaPhysics@ list. |
13 | * After initializing the modules (and thus setting up their global variables), load the tests defined in the definition file (set with "@SetCutFile()@": |
14 | * After loading the tests, load the output definitions ("@THaOutput::Init()@": from the output definition file (set with "@SetOdefFile()@": This sets up a "@TTree@": in the output file. |
15 | * After finding the prestart event and initializing the apparatuses, analyze events in the event range of the run. For physics events, do |
16 | ** For each apparatus defined in @gHaApps@, call "@THaApparatus::Decode()@": |
17 | ** For each apparatus, call "@CoarseReconstruct()@": If the apparatus does not implement @CoarseReconstruct()@, this call does nothing. |
18 | ** For each apparatus, call "@Reconstruct()@": |
19 | ** For each defined physics module, call "@Process()@": |
20 | ** Fill the output tree and histograms by calling "@THaOutput::Process()@": |
21 | * For scaler events, do |
22 | ** For each THaScaler object defined in gHaScalers, call THaScaler::LoadData(). |
23 | * "@Close()@": the CODA input file. |
24 | * "@Write()@": the ROOT output file. |
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26 | If an apparatus is a "@THaSpectrometer@":, processing in the @Reconstruct()@ stage is carried out by "@THaSpectrometer::Reconstruct()@": as follows: |
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28 | * Loop over all "@THaTrackingDetectors@": and call their @CoarseTrack()@ methods. |
29 | * Loop over all "@THaNonTrackingDetectors@": and call their @CoarseProcess()@ methods. |
30 | * Loop over all "@THaTrackingDetectors@": and call their @FineTrack()@ methods. |
31 | * Loop over all "@THaNonTrackingDetectors@": and call their @FineProcess()@ methods. |
32 | * Call @TrackCalc()@. This method usually calculates overall track properties such as the absolute momentum and beta and may also be used to identify the "Golden Track". |
33 | * Call @FindVertices()@. This method usually reconstructs tracks to the target. |
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35 | TrackCalc() and FindVertices() have to be implemented by the actual spectrometer class (see [[Adding a new apparatus|how to write an apparatus class]]). |