Variables » History » Version 1
Ole Hansen, 03/30/2018 09:28 PM
1 | 1 | Ole Hansen | h1. Podd Analyzer Variables |
2 | |||
3 | After initializing the analyzer you can see the variables by typing: |
4 | |||
5 | <pre> |
6 | analyzer[2] gHaVars->Print() |
7 | </pre> |
8 | or |
9 | <pre> |
10 | analyzer[2] T->Print() |
11 | </pre> |
12 | |||
13 | Here is a partial list with comments explaining the variables |
14 | |||
15 | I. General run info |
16 | <pre> |
17 | OBJ: THaVar g.runnum Run number |
18 | OBJ: THaVar g.runtype CODA run type |
19 | OBJ: THaVar g.runtime CODA run time |
20 | OBJ: THaVar g.evnum Event number |
21 | OBJ: THaVar g.evtyp Event type |
22 | OBJ: THaVar g.evlen Event Length |
23 | </pre> |
24 | There are usually also variables "fEvtHdr.*" with |
25 | self-documenting meaning. |
26 | |||
27 | II. Track info. This is on the Right-HRS (R). For Left-HRS, replace R with L. |
28 | |||
29 | Golden track info |
30 | Available if you've added it in the analysis script, e.g. |
31 | gHaPhysics->Add( new THaGoldenTrack( "", "HRS-R Golden Track", "R" )); |
32 | Golden = Best track in TRANSPORT coordinates at target. |
33 | X is dispersive, or vertical, direction, Y perpendicular. |
34 | th = theta (vertical), ph = phi (nominal scattering angle, horizontal) |
35 | |
36 | |
37 | |
38 | |
39 | dp = fractional momentum |
40 | |
41 | "ok" flag |
42 | |
43 | |||
44 | The following is in the TRANSPORT coordinate system |
45 | in the shield hut. |
46 | Z along the nominal beam direction at the |
47 | detectors, and at Z = 0 which is the Z location of |
48 | the first VDC plane. The average user probably doesn't |
49 | need these variables; instead use "golden track". |
50 | |||
51 | <pre> |
52 | OBJ: THaVar Number of tracks |
53 | OBJ: THaVar Track x coordinate (m) |
54 | OBJ: THaVar Track x coordinate (m) |
55 | OBJ: THaVar Tangent of track theta angle |
56 | OBJ: THaVar Tangent of track phi angle |
57 | OBJ: THaVar Track momentum (GeV) |
58 | OBJ: THaVar Track status flag |
59 | OBJ: THaVar Track's chi2 from hits |
60 | OBJ: THaVar Track's NDoF |
61 | </pre> |
62 | |||
63 | The following is in the "detector coordinate system". |
64 | This is also a TRANSPORT style system but Z is perpendicular |
65 | to the VDCs, i.e 45 degrees to the nominal beam direction. |
66 | |||
67 | <pre> |
68 | OBJ: THaVar Detector x coordinate (m) |
69 | OBJ: THaVar Detector y coordinate (m) |
70 | OBJ: THaVar Detector tangent of theta |
71 | OBJ: THaVar Detector tangent of phi |
72 | </pre> |
73 | |||
74 | Rotated coordinates (for experts only) |
75 | <pre> |
76 | OBJ: THaVar Rotated x coordinate (m) |
77 | OBJ: THaVar Rotated y coordinate (m) |
78 | OBJ: THaVar Rotated tangent of theta |
79 | OBJ: THaVar Rotated tangent of phi |
80 | </pre> |
81 | |||
82 | Here are quantities at the target. See also the "golden |
83 | track" above. Theta is vertical angle, phi is horizontal. |
84 | Y is in the scattering plane perpendicular to the direction, |
85 | with sign conventions: +Y is left of beam on Left HRS and |
86 | +Y is also left of beam on Right HRS. |
87 | |||
88 | <pre> |
89 | OBJ: THaVar Target y coordinate |
90 | OBJ: THaVar Tangent of target theta angle |
91 | OBJ: THaVar Tangent of target phi angle |
92 | OBJ: THaVar Target delta |
93 | OBJ: THaVar Lab momentum x (GeV) |
94 | OBJ: THaVar Lab momentum y (GeV) |
95 | OBJ: THaVar Lab momentum z (GeV) |
96 | OBJ: THaVar Vertex x (m) |
97 | OBJ: THaVar Vertex y (m) |
98 | OBJ: THaVar Vertex z (m) |
99 | OBJ: THaVar Pathlength from tg to fp (m) |
100 | OBJ: THaVar Time of track@Ref Plane (s) |
101 | OBJ: THaVar uncer of time (s) |
102 | OBJ: THaVar Beta of track |
103 | OBJ: THaVar uncertainty of beta |
104 | OBJ: THaVar R.status Bits of completed analysis stages |
105 | |||
106 | OBJ: THaVar R.trg.evtime Time-offset for event (trg based) |
107 | OBJ: THaVar R.trg.evtype Earliest trg-bit for the event |
108 | OBJ: THaVar R.trg.trgtimes Times for each trg-type |
109 | </pre> |
110 | |||
111 | III. VDC detector data. The planes are u1,u2,v1,v2. |
112 | Shown here is only u1. |
113 | |||
114 | <pre> |
115 | OBJ: THaVar R.vdc.u1.nhit Number of hits |
116 | wire, rawtime, time are arrays. |
117 | OBJ: THaVar R.vdc.u1.wire Active wire numbers |
118 | OBJ: THaVar R.vdc.u1.rawtime Raw TDC values of wires |
119 | OBJ: THaVar R.vdc.u1.time TDC values of active wires |
120 | OBJ: THaVar R.vdc.u1.dist Drift distances |
121 | OBJ: THaVar R.vdc.u1.ddist Drft dist uncertainty |
122 | OBJ: THaVar R.vdc.u1.trdist Dist. from track |
123 | OBJ: THaVar R.vdc.u1.nclust Number of clusters |
124 | OBJ: THaVar R.vdc.u1.clsiz Cluster sizes |
125 | OBJ: THaVar R.vdc.u1.clpivot Cluster pivot wire num |
126 | OBJ: THaVar R.vdc.u1.clpos Cluster intercepts (m) |
127 | OBJ: THaVar R.vdc.u1.slope Cluster best slope |
128 | OBJ: THaVar R.vdc.u1.lslope Cluster local (fitted) slope |
129 | OBJ: THaVar R.vdc.u1.t0 Timing offset (s) |
130 | OBJ: THaVar R.vdc.u1.sigsl Cluster slope error |
131 | OBJ: THaVar R.vdc.u1.sigpos Cluster position error (m) |
132 | OBJ: THaVar R.vdc.u1.sigt0 Timing offset error (s) |
133 | OBJ: THaVar R.vdc.u1.clchi2 Cluster chi2 |
134 | OBJ: THaVar R.vdc.u1.clndof Cluster NDoF |
135 | OBJ: THaVar R.vdc.u1.cltcor Cluster Time correction |
136 | </pre> |
137 | |||
138 | IV. Scintillator data for s1,s2 and sometimes s0 if it exists. |
139 | Shown here is only s1. |
140 | |||
141 | <pre> |
142 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.nlthit Number of Left paddles TDC times |
143 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.nrthit Number of Right paddles TDC times |
144 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.nlahit Number of Left paddles ADCs amps |
145 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.nrahit Number of Right paddles ADCs amps |
146 | </pre> |
147 | |||
148 | lt*, rt*, la*, ra* are arrays |
149 | |||
150 | <pre> |
151 | OBJ: THaVar TDC values left side |
152 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.lt_c Corrected times left side |
153 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.rt TDC values right side |
154 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.rt_c Corrected times right side |
155 | OBJ: THaVar ADC values left side |
156 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.la_p Corrected ADC values left side |
157 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.la_c Corrected ADC values left side |
158 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.ra ADC values right side |
159 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.ra_p Corrected ADC values right side |
160 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.ra_c Corrected ADC values right side |
161 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.nthit Number of paddles with l&r TDCs |
162 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.t_pads Paddles with l&r coincidence TDCs |
163 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.y_t y-position from timing (m) |
164 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.y_adc y-position from amplitudes (m) |
165 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.time Time of hit at plane (s) |
166 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.dtime Est. uncertainty of time (s) |
167 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.dedx dEdX-like deposited in paddle |
168 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.troff Trigger offset for paddles |
169 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.trn Number of tracks for hits |
170 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.trx x-position of track in det plane |
171 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.try y-position of track in det plane |
172 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.trpath TRCS pathlen of track to det plane |
173 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.trdx track deviation in x-position (m) |
174 | OBJ: THaVar R.s1.trpad paddle-hit associated with track |
175 | </pre> |
176 | |||
177 | V. Cherenkov detector |
178 | <pre> |
179 | OBJ: THaVar R.cer.nthit Number of Left paddles TDC times |
180 | OBJ: THaVar R.cer.nahit Number of Right paddles TDC times |
181 | OBJ: THaVar R.cer.t TDC values |
182 | OBJ: THaVar R.cer.t_c Corrected TDC values |
183 | OBJ: THaVar R.cer.a ADC values |
184 | OBJ: THaVar R.cer.a_p Ped-subtracted ADC values |
185 | OBJ: THaVar R.cer.a_c Corrected ADC values |
186 | OBJ: THaVar R.cer.asum_p Sum of ADC minus pedestal values |
187 | OBJ: THaVar R.cer.asum_c Sum of corrected ADC amplitudes |
188 | OBJ: THaVar R.cer.trx x-position of track in det plane |
189 | OBJ: THaVar R.cer.try y-position of track in det plane |
190 | OBJ: THaVar R.cer.trpath TRCS pathlen of track to det plane |
191 | </pre> |
192 | |||
193 | VI. Preshower "ps". The variabls a,a_p,a_c are arrays. |
194 | The shower and pion rejectors are similar, but usually |
195 | replace "ps" by "sh", "prl1", "prl2" (conventional naming). |
196 | <pre> |
197 | OBJ: THaVar Number of hits |
198 | OBJ: THaVar Raw ADC amplitudes |
199 | OBJ: THaVar Ped-subtracted ADC amplitudes |
200 | OBJ: THaVar Calibrated ADC amplitudes |
201 | OBJ: THaVar Sum of ped-subtracted ADCs |
202 | OBJ: THaVar Sum of calibrated ADCs |
203 | OBJ: THaVar Number of clusters |
204 | OBJ: THaVar Energy (MeV) of largest cluster |
205 | OBJ: THaVar x-position (cm) of largest cluster |
206 | OBJ: THaVar y-position (cm) of largest cluster |
207 | OBJ: THaVar Multiplicity of largest cluster |
208 | OBJ: THaVar Numbers of blocks in main cluster |
209 | OBJ: THaVar Energies of blocks in main cluster |
210 | OBJ: THaVar track x-position in det plane |
211 | OBJ: THaVar track y-position in det plane |
212 | </pre> |