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Ole Hansen, 03/01/2018 06:41 PM
This is the humble homepage of the main Hall A physics analysis software, Podd. The software is an object-oriented, highly modular and extensible framework built on top of ROOT. Classes are available for the most common analysis tasks involving data from the standard Hall A experimental equipment, in particular the HRS spectrometers and detectors. Standard physics calculations for single arm (e,e'), conincidence (e,e'X) and photoproduction reactions are available, as well as for auxiliary tasks such as energy loss corrections, vertex position calculations, etc.
The optional Software Development Kit (SDK) provides users with a rapid development environment for building experiment-specific extension libraries. One can quickly implement new detectors, physics computation modules and even entire spectrometers.
- Hall A & C Data Analysis Workshop June 25-26, 2017. The tutorial scripts and configuration files are available from a GitHub repository. A VirtualBox virtual machine image with a full installation of the software, tutorial, and associated example data files can be downloaded from the above meeting page.
- Introduction to the Analyzer and Hands-On Tutorial with E12-07-108 replay (pdf) (support files) - updated 25 Apr 2016
- Hands-On Tutorial with E08-027 replay (pdf) (support files) - 14 Jan 2015
Most recent source code:
- Analyzer 1.6.0-rc2 source code (development version, new database format) (gz) (xz) - 24 Jan 2018
- Analyzer 1.5.37 source code (production version) (gz) (xz) - 03 Mar 2017
- Software Development Kit v1.5 (SDK) (gz) - 18 Jan 2017
- optimize++ tool v1.3 for spectrometer optics calibration (gz) - 7 March 2007
- tree2ascii tool v1.1 for dumping ROOT trees to ASCII files (gz) - 06 Dec 2006
Older versions can be found in the archive
Currently, we do not offer precompiled binaries for download.
Additional Resources¶
- The ROOT project at CERN. Basis for this project. Start by reading the ROOT Primer.
- ROOT on JLab CUE (local support for ROOT).
- C++ reference documentation
- C++ FAQ. C++ programming tips & tricks.
Updated by Ole Hansen over 6 years ago · 4 revisions