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Ole Hansen, 06/17/2018 09:11 PM

Joint Hall A & C Data Analysis Workshop June 2018

June 25-26, 2018, Room TBD, ARC Building, Jefferson Lab


*Registration Page*
List of participants
Software Setup Instructions


Monday, June 25, 2018


09:00 Welcome -- Ole Hansen
09:05 Update on Hall A Analysis Software -- Ole Hansen
09:30 Update on Hall C Analysis Software -- Eric Pooser

Hall A Analysis (Organizer: Ole Hansen)

10:00 Hall A optics optimization -- Tong Su
10:30 Optics for mistuned spectrometers -- Eric Christy

10:45 Coffee Break

11:00 Beam energy determination -- Doug Higinbotham
11:30 Using databases in analysis -- Shujie Li
11:45 Tritium replay on farm, analysis organization -- Tyler Hague

12:15 Lunch (on your own)

Farm Use and Workflow Tools (Organizer: Brad Sawatzky)

13:30 Interactive tutorials setup (*)
14:00 Overview of computing resources and tools (*) -- Brad Sawatzky
14:45 hcswif (*) -- John Matter

15:30 Coffee Break

Using Python for Analysis Part I (Organizer: Eric Pooser)

15:45 Hall A Analysis with PyROOT -- Tyler Kutz
16:00 Python Analysis Tutorial (*) -- Eric Pooser

17:00 Adjourn

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Hall C Analysis (Organizer: Mark Jones)

09:00 Effective Git use (*) -- Steve Wood
10:00 Spectrometer Software -- Holly Szumila-Vance

10:30 Coffee Break

10:45 Cherenkov Analysis -- Abel Sun
11:10 Calorimeter Analysis -- Vardan Tadevosyan
11:30 Hodoscope Analysis -- Carlos Yero
11:50 Drift Chamber Analysis -- Abishek Karki

12:15 Lunch (on your own)

Intermediate-Level Analysis with ROOT (Organizer: Ole Hansen)

13:30 Introduction and setup (*) -- Ole Hansen
13:45 Reading and processing trees (*) -- Ole Hansen
14:45 Linear analysis (*) -- Mark Jones

15:30 Coffee Break

Using Python for Analysis Part II (Organizer: Eric Pooser)

16:00 Python Analysis Tutorial continued (*) -- Eric Pooser

17:00 Adjourn

(*) denotes an interactive tutorial

Updated by Ole Hansen over 6 years ago · 3 revisions