


Workshop 2018 Setup » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (Ole Hansen, 06/18/2019 10:27 AM) → Revision 5/6 (Ole Hansen, 06/18/2019 11:15 AM)

h1. Software Setup Instructions for 2018 Hall A & C Data Analysis Workshop 

 In order to run the interactive tutorials, certain software should be available to you: 

 * @bash@ (shell) 
 * @git@ (version control) 
 * ROOT with Python bindings 
 * Hall C analyzer (@hcana@) 
 * Python 2.7 and/or 3.4+ 
 * Various Python packages, all available via pip: 
 ** numpy 
 ** scipy 
 ** matplotlib 
 ** pandas 
 ** uproot 
 ** ipython 
 ** notebook 

 Scripts and data files can be downloaded/accessed over the network during the workshop. 

 There are essentially three approaches to get a usable software environment, in order of preference: 

 # *Recommended:* Use our pre-configured "Virtual Machine Image": Image": for "VirtualBox": "VirtualBox": This will yield consistent results on all supported platforms (Windows, macOS, recent Linuxes), but will consume significantly more system resources than a native installation. The installation of VirtualBox may be challenging on some Linux systems.  
 See "Instructions.txt" in the download directory for details. 
 # Install all required software locally on your machine. This will yield the fastest performance, but may be time-consuming and error-prone. Installation on Windows can be challenging since much of the software and scripts is designed for a Unix-like environment. Recommended for advanced users. 
 # Access a machine with a suitable environment remotely, _e.g._ the JLab @ifarm@ systems. This is a last resort since performance will be lower and there may still be compatibility problems. For graphics, your system requires an X server installed locally. 

 If your machine is reasonably powerful (_e.g._ i5 CPU, 4+ GB RAM, 30-40 GB free disk space) and runs a recent OS, your best bet is probably our "Virtual machine": machine": since the environment is completely set up and configured for the workshop exercises. See "Instructions.txt": in Please see the download directory linked page for detailed instructions. 

 If you feel comfortable installing software on your system and/or you already have much of the required software available, option 2. may be for you. You can find some guidance here: 
 * "JLab 2018 Software Carpentry Workshop Setup Instructions": (covers @bash@, @git@ and @Python@, even for Windows) 
 * [[ROOT Installation Guide|Hall A ROOT Installation Guide]] 
 * "Hall C Analyzer Installation Guide": 

 Please start well in advance of the workshop. 

 Connecting to @ifarm@ or some other remote system (_e.g._ your office desktop) requires an @ssh@ client with X forwarding and an X server. On @ifarm@, do 
 ifarm> source /apps/root/6.12.06/setroot_CUE 
 to set up ROOT as well as a Python3 environment that has all the required packages. Unfortuantely, performance will be slow because @ifarm@ is a busy system that you share with many other users. As mentioned, do this as a last resort. 

 Please contact Ole Hansen ( with questions.